“We’re a Hot Mess” Blog#3

The Hanahpu tribe experienced abundant amounts of conflict throughout the fourth episode. From the beginning, Drew was creating tension by repeatedly suggesting to ask Jeff for the fishing gear that they had to decline from the last episodes challenge. After one of the members found the flint by the camp fire, Drew insisted on trying to persuade Jeff for the fishing gear while the other group members wanted to just move on.  This began to create substantive conflict between the members by having the members disagree with Drew’s ideas and actions.  Tension began to arise when Keith, who was supposed to be in an alliance with Jeremy, blamed him for having the idol. Keith’s accusations about Jeremy began to spread leaving Jeremy to find out from another tribe member what Keith had been accusing him of. Feeling betrayed, Jeremy decided to place Keith as the person he would vote to leave the island. Drew, causing affective and destructive conflict while assuming he was the leader of the tribe, purposely threw the challenge, causing the Hunahpu tribe to lose the challenge. This was in order to get rid of some of the “snakes” in his tribe. Little did he know, Drew struggles lead to a few members hidden agendas of voting him out.  Immediately after the challenge, the Hunahpu tribe members began to secretly consult with one another on who to boot off the island. After listening to every ones opinion, it was clear that everyone was not on the same page when it came to their individual votes. The tribe members seemed to have their own opinion when it came to who to vote off the island creating a feeling of unease. Finally, the group members were able to compromise on one individual that had to go. Drew’s confidence ended up getting him voted off the island.