What a Week!



It is with an extremely heavy heart that I write this post. Why? This means that the trip is over and my time in London has come to an end. This has truly been the best week of my life and it is all thanks to those I shared it with.

What started out as a hopeful application into the class has turned into a week that has changed my life and allowed me to see things from a new perspective. I’m beyond grateful for this learning and living experience.

Who would have thought 15 strangers from CI and one of the Communication Program’s most loved professor could make this trip so memorable? I wish I could say that sadness is all I feel, but that would be a lie.

My heart is full- full of love from new friends, full of laughter and memories, and full of joy from this experience. I’ve made friends that are lifelong and memories that are forever cherished. Each and everyone of you has played a significant role in making this trip what it was. From Amanda being the best roommate and partner in crime, to Taylor being my King, to Bri’s peppermint oil, to Adriana’s selfie stick, and to Dr. J’s beautiful photography skills, this trip was made possible by the people in it.

I fell in love with London the second I stepped out. My appreciation for it grew exponentially when our local friends, Simon, Matt, and Ali showed us the city. London speaks to me in a way that no other city has….so much so to where I am seriously considering putting off my dream of being a soldier for a few years to get a Graduate Degree there (Dr. J, we will discuss this later)

From the bottom of my heart, I love you all and am so lucky to have had the opportunity to spend this past week with you in London. It was a once in a lifetime experience and I will never forget how amazing every second of it was. I look forward to seeing all of you soon!

A huge thank you goes out to everyone who helped make this possible. No words of gratitude could ever be enough to explain how much this trip means to me. Just know that you played a part in changing my life.

