What Can WE do? #9

Last week in class we discussed briefly about our thoughts and feelings about the tunnel of oppression. One common theme that arose from this experience is that a lot of us were saddened by the experience because we see this happening on a daily basis but we just don’t recognize it. It made me realize that there is oppression happening around us sometime and we are not really aware of it. I really enjoyed this experience and I would definitely go through it again. In the last part of class we took an assessment that was given to us at the beginning of the year and we were given it again last Friday. Hopefully my results improved.

In this weeks readings How to Interpret Oppressive Behavior, it gave us an example of how two individuals were expelled from a summer camp due to the fact that they were African-AMerican. Afterwards, we were given different examples of how we can either work against social justice or work towards social justice.  I thought it was interesting to see how we can do something as speaking up when we see cases such as this one. The best tool we can do to stop acts like these from happening is to educate individuals who are not informed and help put a stop to this ever-growing issue. Seeing oppressive behavior happen right in front of our eyes is the easiest thing to see, but saying speaking up is the hardest thing to do. So, as suggested by the article we should all take a little step forward and help to slowly diminish these behaviors and will slowly start seeing a change in our society. We will see a society that respects all individuals no matter the language we speak or the tone of our skin. We are all human beings and we all deserve to be respected for who we are.