What can you do?

We all attended the tunnel of oppression as it was assigned to us for a reflection essay. We briefly discussed how we felt during the tunnel of oppression and it was interesting to know that we all felt very similar especially the way the debriefing ended. I honestly think we all expected more because during our class session with Dr. Jaime we all have an opportunity to really discuss our points of views. Dr. Jaime knows how to engage everyone to participate and feel comfortable as we are all stating our opinions. During this class period we also split into groups of four and discussed females in stem fields unfortunately no one in our class has studying a stem field so we all simply assumed why females feel the way they do.  As we are soon coming to an end of this semester Julian handed test to everyone the same test we all had in the beginning of the semester. I personally think it would be easier to take test as soon as class started to get it over with because most of us hate taking test especially if they don’t affect our grade. I feel that I don’t put much interest and attention on test like the one we had and I simply rush them but if I had them at the beginning of class I would do my best to answer the questions.

This week’s readings talked about ways to deal with the liberation of oppression. I honestly didn’t know such cycle existed to help one liberate all those new feelings we create when we are exposed to issues and topics of oppression. The cycle of liberation showed ways we can seek new paths for creating social change and release. There’s eight stages in the cycle of liberation one can enter the cycle at any point, through the slow process of development and there is no specific beginning or end point because one is never done and the cycles repeat themselves over and over. I want to say that I find myself in the waking up stage as I’m sure many of us in class do because we have been exposed to so much knowledge in just few months. Hopefully one day I can enter in to the creating change stage to help other join the cause. The second article on how to interpret oppression behavior discusses how we must eliminate intolerance to such behaviors caused by others who are not educated on oppression. The statement I most liked was “No matter what form it takes or who does it, we must all take action to stop intolerance when it happens.” This for me is very powerful because know that I’m aware of the consequences of not stopping someone for certain actions of behavior towards others it empowers me to continue with the battle and fight against it to improve oppression. I find that know I’m more open toward understanding other racial groups that before I found disturbing.
