What it means to have a digital identity?

  • What it means to have a digital identity means to have a presents on social media and social media sites, but in a way that is more personal than just having a basic presents on the internet like an e-mail . Digital identity is personal because we share our thoughts, personal information, pictures, videos, and more. A digital identity is also used differently because we interact on the web different than we do in person.  This is what makes-up a digit identity.
  • A statement in the readings and the videos that surprised me was that you should never give your full birth date, and that most people don’t check privacy settings. It surprised me that I should be more careful on who sees my birth date because I usually never think about giving a false birth date to protect myself. Also that most users look over the privacy settings, the settings that are suppose to make our status more private or safe.
  • There is an increasing presents of social media for not just individuals but businesses as well. I think since businesses are increasing their media usage  they are also looking at future employee’s social media activities and status. For employers it could tell a lot or very little about a person. It could be difficult for one who enjoys posting what they like and saying what ever comes to mind, because some argue that the person on social media is not the same person in reality. Those who keep a positive status give the employer insight on the person their interviewing is similar to the person online.  Also the readings recommend to get involved with social media and post at least once a month. However, check your status frequently, see what people are posting on your wall, and what pictures people are posting of you. It causes one in leadership to  be constantly aware of how their digital identity can determine how an employer can feel about them.
  • I plan to create a positive digital identity by watching what people post on my walls, and if the content is inappropriate then I will remove them. I will have a user name that is professorial and every now and then check my privacy setting.