What to do in a Risky Situation

You are attracted to a person you have been interested in tutoring.

The principles I would apply to this situation would be Principles 3,5,7,8. I would apply these principles because they are about those you have attraction to and this scenario deals with that concept specifically.  While these situations are difficult to handle none can be dealt with the same. There is also no real way to handle the situation, I would handle it as an educator you have to put the other over yourself. If you jeopardize their chances you are doing no one a favor and have to let it slide. If you were to follow through the consequences would be a dismantling of that relationship.


As a discussion leader of a group, you noticed a student that you have an unresolved conflict during the past year. You have some strong feelings and reactions to seeing them

The principles I would use when confronting this situation would be Principles 12, 11, 9, 7, and 5. When dealing with this situation you need to realize that if people see you as a leader they may mimic you, destroying the reputation of the individual that you have conflict with. If the conflict is to great you may have to step down or ask to be put on a different project, because once you remove that tension the project will run much smother. When performing a follow up towards this kind of scenario you have to be gentle yet strait forward. Once the problem is acknowledged people are more likely to open up and discuss the results.