What we see through T.V.

I found the article University of Michigan Health System very informational. Though the section about “Can TV influence children’s attitudes toward themselves and others?” I found to be completely true, as I grew up I’ve come to notice that as a child I took what was on tv seriously and thought it was true to reality.  Like it says in the article “Children learn to accept the stereotypes represented on television.” Even though I come from a mix of races, I honestly thought for the longest time that all black people acted like they were from the “hood” after watching Friday. As silly as it sounds I tried to avoid people associating me with black people because I didn’t want people to see me as the women in the movie.

The statement “Thin women are disproportionately represented on TV. The heavier a female
character, the more negative comments were made about her,” Kills me so much because as I began to gain wait I felt like I would be projected like an ugly person mainly because I didn’t see curvy people on tv and when I did it was either in a comical or a cruel way. For example the youtube star who criticized “fat” people  for being over weight which could cause children this day and age to think that being overweight could be negative and cause them to have all sorts of physiological problems, it’s hard  for girls at a young age to be happy with themselves, now their being criticized for their weight or even their looks.

I’m wondering what you all think of the perception tv gives us and how It makes you feel?