What’s more important rice or people?

Episode of Blood is Blood surrounded the shifting of many different tides in the members of survivor, the tribes and the tensions. The cast members on the opposite side returned after tribal council time speculating what could have happened and who could have possibly been eliminated. Alec was so confident that his brother was not eliminated but little did he know that is what happened. Due to them speculating so many different things it defined the episode because a lot of cultures, personalities and barriers changed.

Once all the members of Survivor arrived at the tribal immunity challenged they learned that they would be switching sides which was beneficial to some members and detrimental to others. In chapter 4 on group diversity,  shows how the cultures of a tribes and homogeneous groups; and how they become redefined. Keith in the Coyopa tribe was now worried because he is the odd man out.  In homogeneous groups diversity still exists in the group such as with Keith but with Keith being the only one without a loved on it makes him feel on similar with the group and put up a different barrier when working with the barriers.

Others barriers from chapter 4, that came about during this episode were prejudices and discrimination. Prejudices came up in the new Hanuphu tribe with Alec the new tribe compared him to his brother Drew who was just voted out and decided they would basically be fake towards to him so they could boast his ego and then later on get rid of him. I’m sure Alec and Drew are two birds of a feather but it is interesting that they made that prejudiced toward Drew and then discriminated him.  Back in the Coyopa tribe barriers and segregation came up when Baylor told her mother about her previous history with Dale and then tensions increased when they fought over the amount of rice that should be allowed to cook. (While in Coyopa they were surviving because they were eating rice like kings) it was interesting because both parents had very distinct personalities and that course caused more prejudice in the tribe and decisions on voting. This relates to personality dimension because both parents personalities clashed and that boiled over to their tribes voting. Tensions over rice and personality then lead to Kelley being the fifth voted off Survivor San Jan Del Sur.