What’s the count?

I decided to take a look at my diet on a day where I hadn’t slept too much, didn’t have time to cook, and had to work a very busy night shift. While I know that I have been eating healthy other days – incorporating salads and healthy snacks like hummus and carrots – I knew this day would be pretty bad. I thought it would be a good day to pick because I sort of had to eat what was quickly available to me, plus the sleep deprivation didn’t help me make the healthiest of choice. Basically, doing this meal check, I saw that just the burger put me well over the Heart Healthy diet needs. The sodium alone put me well over how much I would need to consume on a heart healthy diet. You have to wonder, how some patients manage to make the adjustment, especially if they are leading very busy lives both at home and work. I’m not saying it is not possible, but I can see it being very hard to change habits of eating out if it is something they do 1-3 times per week. Essentially they would have to stop all together or switch to healthier dining out options that can include fruits or salads.


“Breakfast” – Almond butter and honey toast

Almond butter (1tbs): Na 72 mg, Fats 1 g

Whole wheat bread: Na 132 mg, Fats 0 g

Honey: Na 1mg, Fats 0g

Water – Na 0, Fats 0g


“Lunch” – Habit cheeseburger and fries with water

Cheeseburger: Na 1,770mg, 36g fat

Fries: Na 164mg; Fat 3g


“Dinner” – None


Snacks – none because I forgot them on the counter at home before work, so LOTS of water on my overnight.