Who am I?

The identities I have on a day-to-day basis are some that are not as obvious as I thought they would. Six identities that I can observe are myself being an RA, where I am seen as the face of housing and am expected to act in a professional matter, the student where I need to focus on my studies and the necessity to do well in college to make it to where I want to be, the working college student who has to help pay my way through school in order to live comfortably, the athlete who has the desire to exercise and want to get outside and play, the socialite who wants to meet as many people as possible and get to know them as much as possible, and the clown that wants people to laugh when times are the toughest for others.  The socialite identity is a prime example of an aspect of my life that when through the cycle of socialization. It was born in a world where I was pretty reclusive and didn’t want to talk to a certain group of people that my parents deemed to be inappropriate for me to converse with.  Then my teachers enforced the fact that people aren’t inherently bad. That blossomed into the socialite I am today, where I became more distressed with people who weren’t like me anymore but then I decided to take action and decided that people are fine they way they are and that I can make changes in those peoples lives