Who am I?

Thinking of six identities that I have on a day to day basis was much harder to think of then I had imagined. The six identities I could think of for myself was a student, where I have responsible on my academics such as studying doing all the homework, desk assistant, where I am have duties to help those who live on campus as well as help with projects around the office. Also, a friend where there are no real responsibilities but from time to time a friend needs help whether it be something personal or something as simple as homework, a sister and cousin, where I am a role  model not only to my siblings but my cousins since I am the oldest around them and first ever to attend college. Lastly being a social person, by that I mean saying hi and smiling at people it might help their day get a little better, I myself am still getting used to doing that since its more normal to do that type of stuff here then back home. The example I am going to use is being social. Being social is never really taught, for example when I was younger I was much more social then I am now and it wasn’t taught to me. I believe it comes naturally. In other ways it can be taught by family such as parents because they always say go say hi to so and so, also by teachers because working in groups there has to be some type of communication and it is learned even if it’s not the main purpose. Schools as well as church in a way force someone to be social. I have been in a position where I was forced to socialize at school when I didn’t want to as well as church. When I go to church they give a moment to shake people’s hands and if you don’t do it it’s considered rude. As a result of that I have become less social then I was before because I don’t like when something is forced upon me although I know it’s inevitable.  To change this I can look at it as an opportunity to meet more people not being forced to talk to people.