Who knows about drugs?


I was fortunate enough to be able to travel and see my family this past weekend, many of whom are strongly against taking any medications (they are very familiar with generic/brand names, take herbal supplements and know to tell the doctor always, and are aware of the side effects) so I was only left with interviewing my grandfather. To start off, I asked my grandfather what he knew about his hypertension medications with which he replied, “what… I don’t have hypertension?” And I said I thought you were on high blood pressure medication and he replied, “blood pressure medication, yes… but I don’t know about hypertension.” This demonstrated to me the need to simplify the language we speak with our patients because clearly my grandfather was unaware that high blood pressure and hypertension were the same thing. My grandfather only knew that he took a cholesterol medication, high blood pressure medication, and a diabetic medication (metformin), or so he says “his essential medications.” He also takes various others but knows that these are the ones he should never skip. He knew the purpose of his medications and could recognize them by color. When asked if he knew the side effects and safe doses of his medications he replied that he was explained everything at one time when he initially began this medication regimen (5 years ago). And said that the pharmacy offers the information again when he picks up his medications, but he has little desire to speak with the pharmacist or read the information. My grandfather is opposite of most of my family who take herbal supplements as he thinks herbal supplements are not reliable and trusts doctors more than the “natural people at the healthy stores who try to get you to buy all this junk.” I taught my grandfather the essential cliff notes version of his medications (as he doesn’t really care to be educated on meds he’s taken for so long but was willing to hear me out for a few minutes). We discussed some side effects and actually spent most of our time talking about how to better manage his glucose levels and my grandfather frequently eats only once a day (which he claims is best since he should be losing weight) and I discussed with him the importance of keeping his metabolism going in addition to better managing his glucose levels by eating smaller frequent meals.