Who Knows about Drugs (Rx’s)?

Who Knows about Drugs (Rx’s)?

After completing an informal survey of some of my family members and friends, I have come to the shocking reality of how little information people know about common medications such as Advil, aspirin, and Tylenol. I chose these three drugs because they seem to be the most common drug people use over the counter. Although some people were very educated in regards to the drugs, some people were extremely ill-informed regarding these meds. Some thought ibuprofen and Advil were completely different drugs. I think that most people just know the name of the drugs they take whether generic or trade, but do not know the common doses and side effects, which is quite surprising because of how important this information is. Another person knew both the trade and generic names for Advil and Tylenol, but had trouble indicating a correct dose, for example she said “I don’t know, like two pills every six hours.” She was however well educated in regards to the adverse effects of these three different drugs naming GI bleeding for Advil and liver damage for Tylenol. Other people interviewed however, had trouble distinguishing the difference between Advil, Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Acetaminophen, and Aspirin. As I mentioned above one person thought they were all completely different drugs and did not know there was a difference between a trade and generic name. After giving some information in regards to these medications to the interviewees, they now have a better understanding of the common drugs they take for simple everyday aches and pains. Out of the six people I interviewed one talked about colloidal silver and how she takes it when she feels she is getting a cold and swears by it. This is a homeopathic medication that I do not really understand how it works or the side effects, but I will continue to research to possibly find out this information. Other than that I was shocked in regards to the lack of information people contain about medication that they may possibly put into their bodies everyday. As nurses we need to make sure to take five minutes out of our day and give that education to our patients so they can not only be educated themselves, but to become more knowledgeable and safe when taking or administering these medication to friends or loved ones.