Who Should I Believe?

In the second episode of Survivor we seek for the membership between the tribes as well as the members themselves. We begin to see that both the Coyopa and the Hunahpuh tribe members are forming strong bonds between each other and their actual identities begin to show and become exposed. We also see inclusion. Its shown when a member in the blue team loses a flint making everybody in the tribe in a way look down on him for such an important tool to survive in there situation. He feels the need to feel included and involved and in a way forgiven by his group. Affection also was portrayed, the feeling of being wanted and looked as a higher power in the group, for example when some of the men would lift logs and squat while someone else did pushups.


On chapter three it talks about the (FIRO) theory and its 3 common needs being, inclusion, control and affection. An example for these would be Val and how we see that she struggles to feel included as well and on top of that not create friendships but just lies to help her get passed by which ended up getting her kicked out at the end.


Three categories are represented such as self centered roles, tasks roles, and maintenance roles which is mainly shown in the Coyopa tribe by Josh who takes part of being in a way part of both sides to remain safe and not a target towards anyone but focusing his strategic plan to reach the top and win.  Josh in a way manipulates and his behavior is portrayed as passive aggressive for example towards baylor. Hes a coordinator and his opinion ends up ruling the team and what they do and who they vote for. His strategy is gaining power and he’s becoming a leader secretly causing for Val to be gone.