Why I Am Still Lurking

Ok so this week I am going to be lurking on the same websites that I was lurking on the week before. If you did not see my last post or forgot the websites, it was the World Health Organization on Facebook and Startup Health on Twitter; and if you couldn’t figure it out these are both health organizations. The reason I am lurking is because I want to see the different interactions, comments, shares, likes, and what these organizations are putting on their feed.

What I find interesting about Startup Health is that there are no replies to their tweets, but there are a lot of shares and liking the topics. From this I can see there is a lot of traffic that comes in but not a lot of feedback. From what I see from the World Health Organization is that there is an average of about 1,500 likes 2,000 being the highest. There are some comments, around 35 to be the most. What I found interesting was that the organization would respond to the comments if a person had a question. So from what I can see is that they too have a lot of foot traffic, but I’m not sure how much of their information is getting out there.

From what I have found lurking on these sites is that the information they give out is basically the same and the interactions they get are the same. People come and look at their profile but don’t really participate. There are barely any comments, if at all, but we do know that people are viewing their profile. The only place they are really commenting is the World Health Organization and that’s only because that’s the only place where there are comments.

Here the links to these organizations if you want to check them out.

