Winter Break Wrap-Up

Winter break has come and gone, and it is now time to get back into the swing of things to finish out my year-long capstone project. I feel like I had a successful winter break in terms of my project, as I was able to accomplish many tasks. With the help of my advisor from the National Park Service, we were able to make some final tweaks to my study design, which allowed us to hit the ground running and implement a robust study. Also with the help of the National Park Service, we were able to put together, and broadcast, a native seed mix in my study plots. Thankfully we were able to broadcast this seed before a major rain event, and when I completed a field assessment two weeks ago, I already had some seed germination. Fingers crossed successful germination will continue across all my plots! I’m hoping to go out to Santa Cruz Island in the next week to do another field assessment to check germination progress.