Would you hire me?

In perpetration for the real world and aspirations I hope to achieve during this first year of collage I will be composing a mock cover letter for an environmental-ish internship I hope to sometime receive this coming summer:

 February 9, 2016

Dr. Stacy Anderson, English 107 professor

California State University Channel Islands

Camarillo, California 93012

Dear Dr. Stacy Anderson:

I am writing to you to express my interest in the position advertised as being open for this coming summer for your organization’s wildlife protection tactics. I am currently an Environmental Science and Resource Management student who will be completing my Bachelors of Science from California State Channel Islands in May of 2019. Although my focus of my studies have been resource conservation and restoration, I am knowledgeable in Ecology, resource development, Biology, Oceanology, Geology, and Chemistry as well. My resource conservation and Ecology experience, as well as my ability to learn quickly, tenacity and ability to apply knowledge effectively, would enable me to play a valuable role at your company.

My knowledge of human’s interactions with the environment, the natural cycles of nutrients, and conservation techniques together with my resource conservation and Ecology experiences. Has provided me with the skills necessary to succeed in today’s business world. I am familiar with resource and data collection, land surveying, and resource partitioning. I have not yet completed or received internships however with my background and aspiration to work in Environmental policy. My background includes the understanding of laws and regulations. As I have not received an official internship I have however participated in a research opportunity where I was able to travel to Santa Rosa Island.

I would bring to any position first rate communication skills oral as well as written, a pleasant and friendly personality, and the commitment to learn diligently and effectively. I seek to gain this opportunity now because as a trusted advisor told me “You only get three summers in college, and in each one you need to look to further your horizon” this is exactly what I set out to do. I hope to be able to gain momentum within my field to then further my knowledge and pallet so I can then go into law school. Where I would then set out to interpret the law and seek out the wrongs caused by corporations.

I look forward to hearing from you so that we can discuss this opportunity further.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Raul Perez
