Wrinkle in the Leadership Plan

In the eighth episode of survivor there was a wrench in the plan with Julie going home. Originally the tribe plan was to vote Jeremy off of the island due to him seeming in control. Jeremy is seen as the leader of the pack and Josh is considered a leader also.  Jeremy seems to have come to be the leader by motivating team players and by being strong in challenges even though he has failed at some challenges he still manages to show strength Josh seems to have emerged as leader by interacting and gaining peoples trust. Jon and Jaclyn are attempting to strategize to become leaders by manipulating other tribe member’s trust and appearing to side with people but their goal is to vote Jeremy off early in the episode. The episode begins with a reward challenge the two tribes are split up and mixed to compete for a taco feast with beers and margaritas. Keith Reed Jeremy Natalie and Wes win the challenge and decide to send John exile and this separates him from his girlfriend Jacqueline which may foil there plan if John is not around to interact prior to the next vote. At the reward meal Keith throws out the fact that when Julie left he was left without a strategy but Jeremy is displayed narrating separately that he knew that they planned to vote him off. Jeremy has s power position and is playing the game sternly knowing he is in a leadership position. Back at the other tribe meeting Josh is beginning to exercise his power to feel out the tribe members he is sitting with that lost the reward challenge. I will have to see what other blogs post about the rest of the episode but as of now it is clear that there are leaders rising Josh , Jeremy as well as John and Jac. They are motivating group members to make decisions they are modeling leadership we will see if they are effective.