Wrinkle in the Plan

Last week, Julie decided to quit the game because she felt left out because her boyfriend was voted off previously. Missy is upset about this because she put a “wrinkle in the plan” that everyone was supposed to vote Josh out.

Now that they have merged into one tribe, Huyopa, separates into two different teams for their reward challenges. This weeks reward: taco bar. If I were on this show and my reward was a taco bar, I would try a lot harder win and be really disappointed in myself if my team lost. LOL! Missy was not chosen for a team, so she had to sit out and not have the chance to try for the taco bar.

Jeremy notes that Keith wanted to vote Julie off if they had gone to tribal council, but Jeremy knows that all of Keith’s alliances were against him and had planned to vote him out if they had gone to tribal council.

Again, Josh tries to recruit Baylor to be part of his alliance. He says that she owes him because he saved her in the beginning of the game. Baylor feels blackmailed by Josh’s invite as his alliance. And then Josh turns it onto Missy, saying that she controls what Baylor does. Which I think is just his way to get out of “being wrong,” always coming up with excuses.

The girls at camp are so concerned with what the guys are doing, and I hate it. Instead of them just getting along and accepting each other, the girls are annoyed that the guys always want help with different chores around camp, when I feel like everyone should be contributing.

Despite Josh trying to form alliances, he is voted out this week! He and Baylor had an almost equal amount of votes, Josh: 6 and Baylor: 5.