Young Girls Compliments

I really liked this article a lot especially after watching the short video in class. I don’t really think about how I talk to young girls. I have two young nieces as you guys know and I don’t know how many times I’ve told them how big they are getting. and Sarah Powers said that’s not even a compliment and I pictured myself saying that to one of my sisters and my mom and I laughed out loud. Kids obviously grow up and they have nothing to do with it.  Giving compliments that are constructive are very important to the development. The author also suggests giving compliments not on the girls outfit but how creative they have been in picking the colors of the outfit. If people can learn how to give compliments to young girls maybe they won’t go to the internet looking for compliments that may lead to something scary. I learned something from this article and I’m going to put what I learned into play. Sparkly shoes and colorful outfits.

-Scott Lang