Reflection of Blogging & Participation

1. I would rate myself as a 5. Every blog post I submitted on time, made sure to watch the episode and relate it to the the text assigned for that week.

2. For this part of the blog I would rate myself as a 4. I missed one comment thinking I had done it. I usually was complimentary with those post I commented on and agreed with specific points mentioned or observations and asked questions as well.

3. I would rate myself as a 3. Most of the time I did, but I had moments were I focused to much on summarizing what had happened in the episodes, but a lot of the time I was able to relate it to the concepts in the text even if it was just one.

4. I think that my strengths were turning my post on time and following the instructions to my ability. I also was a great peer to others, respectful, worked well and contributed to group discussions in class when divided in our groups.

5. In my blogging I could improve by connecting the episodes a bit more  to the context shown and displayed in the text. I could also improve by contributing more in class discussions in voicing my opinion not being afraid of being wrong but giving my thoughts and ideas out a bit more.

6. The things I liked about the blogging part of the class was being able to see different perspectives as well as different ways the concepts were connected to things that occurred in the episodes. I also liked the fact that we were able to comment on others, this showed each other that we saw and had similar points of views which was nice.

7. I disliked the fact that sometimes I was confused on chapter concepts belonged to which episode and what episode was the correct one for each week, but as time passed I finally began to keep up.

8. I would suggest that we talk about the concept in class before the assignment is due to have an idea and not stress on having to read an entire chapter and already have an idea to make it easier to summarize and connect, this will also help students turn it in quicker having the knowledge fresh in their brains or in there notes.

Blog Post 10: Reflection of Blogging and Participation

1. I was very consistent with my blogs. I tried to watch every episode and take notes while watching and then posting my blog before Monday.  So I think I would give myself a 5.

2. I was also very consistent with posting a comment on someone else’s blog. I would always post a comment right after I posted my own post. So once again, I would give myself a 5.

3. At first I did not really understand that we had to connect the episode with the corresponding chapter, I just thought we had to observe how they were as a group and how they interacted with each other. Halfway through the blogs, I finally realized that we were supposed to relate them to the chapters…so I would probably give myself a 3.

4. I think some strengths are that I would always do them on time and add enough detail to actually describe to the reader what had happened in the episode and explaining how the tribe interacted with one another.

5. I could have improved on relating each episode with the corresponding chapter.

6. I liked blogging because it gave us a chance to see everyone’s view and read their thoughts about the episode.

7. I didn’t really like the whole idea of blogging that much because it was kind of stressful with all the other assignments we had to do. If we didn’t have that much work on the computer, I probably would have enjoyed it more.

8. I am not sure, I honestly think doing another activity would really benefit us because I know for a fact a ton of people didn’t even do these blog posts.


This episode of survivor was something else. It started with Natalie being shocked that Missy and Baylor turned on Jeremy, and starts questioning their trust. Then after the first challenge Reed gives up his win for Missy, in hopes to get her on his side for the next voting to try to get Jon out. When trying to convince the others to vote John off next Reed uses a lot of “we” language in hopes to get the others on his side by realizing they are having the same problems as Reed while Jon is on the island.

Then in a full attempt to get everyone on board with his plan, Reed gets an idea to make John think he is safe while everyone thinks everyone is voting for everyone else. But when some conflict arises during the voting ceremony, tension runs high when comments are made and everyone starts to question who is being for real and who isn’t. John tries to read Reed and figure out if he is being real with them or if he has a different agenda. Reed desperately “word stresses” his trustworthiness and uses  eye contact with Jaclyn to persuade her that he is being honest although he isn’t . Reed verbally insists that they need to stick to the plan and move forward, but still skeptical Jaclyn urges John to play his idol.

Its a good thing John plays his idol otherwise he would have been the one to go home. But now the game will be interesting as it moves forward since many people no longer trust one another and alliances are dividing.


Thanks for the rain!

Hope everyone’s staying safe and dry out there.

Blog Post #9


Last weeks class session we talked about the Tunnel of Oppression event. I liked the experienced it gave me, because i felt like i had a taste of what it was to feel discriminated or judge. Someone in my group said that it’s issues that we know about but don’t really take the time to talk about it or try to make a change. In the tunnel of oppression we saw scenarios like homeless students, gender differences, race discrimination, bullying, and immigration. I feel that the immigration, homeless and bullying got to me the most. Immigration because there are so many immigrants that i know, and most of these immigrants are family members or close friends. It was pretty emotional to hear words like, “Get out of here, go back home, you don’t belong here, your’e an immigrant, an alien.”  I can’t imagine anyone being told this, it’s heart breaking. Second was about student’s being homeless. Some students even myself might complain about the little things that we don’t appreciate when there are other’s who don’t have a place to sleep or even food to eat. I feel motivated by these student’s who have nothing but yet they try their best to be in school and be educated for a better future. Lastly, bullying has always been an issue. Growing up, i always saw it happening and i understand why others don’t say anything and just stay quiet because we are afraid something will happen to us. In the scene i read comments from Amanda Bynes to Rihana, making fun of her situation with Chris Brown. I was surprised to read that even famous people are bullied by enemies. Overall i liked the experience of the Tunnel of Oppression and i think it would make more of a world impact if they offered this event at more schools and states.



This weeks reading was the Cycle of Liberation by Bobbie Harro. Harro explains the first step which is, “Waking Up”. The waking up step is when eyes are open. When things start to make sense and a person starts to see things differently, almost like a new world. Harro talks about how it its helpful and important to break from our shell and talk to people who is different from us. This step he calls it Interpersonal Phase. In this phase people start to see the world differently and are more open to meet and treat new people.  According to Harro, it is important to meet new people and interact with them because we gain knowledge and fins answers to our questions and even relate to them about problems. Through out the reading, Harro gave example of a women with her adoptive child, a co-worker trying to get close with a gay co-worker, and a lady on welfare. All three of these examples went through the waking up, and interpersonal phase, and at the end they seemed happy with their results. Both reading were interesting and talked about solving situations like oppression. Again i believe that students should be more informed and involved that way a difference can be change.

Episode 10

With Jeremy being out and John feeling the comfort of being the new alpha male in the group we see a bit of his arrogance in the immunity challenge where he voluntarily steps off the pegs after a mere 7 minutes for the temptation of a snickers bar and some candy.  We see a bit of his extroverted personality in that moment as well as Reed’s in tribal council.  After the arguing back and forth and Keith’s inability to keep a secret, the end result is that both of the hidden immunity idols that were known in this game were played, making John and Keith open for votes next week.  Luckily for Natalie, she used an extra set of eyes and arms to dig with and used Baylor to help her find the 3rd and final immunity idol.

Group Motivation in Episode 9

Well, unfortunately for my favorite Survivor, Jeremy, his time was to come to an end in this episode due to a very well played blindside.  Ironic as it is, himself and his closest alliance member Natalie, depicted the most prominent group motivation in this episode.  Specifically motivating by group member needs, Jeremy and Natalie forfeit their winning of the reward challenge to the couple John and Jaclyn to acknowledge the wants and needs of their newly founded alliance members and let them know that they are thankful for their friendship.  Jeremy then nominates himself to go to Exile Island to try and find the hidden immunity idol for the group then quickly realizes his trip was a waste and that John had probably already found it.  John, after feeling the heat of lying to Jeremy about having the idol, tries to motivate other members of the tribe with his hidden immunity idol to vote off Jeremy for being the “biggest threat”.  A terrible move in my book, but definitely beneficial to John in any of the strength challenges.

Blog #9 Let US make a difference let US be the difference

Last week’s class began with a discussion about the Tunnel of Oppression and what our thoughts about it. I really enjoyed hearing everyone’s responses to it and I had a good time being a part of it I thought it was a great experience. I would have liked if we would have done what Jaime did in the past where they were taken into a “gas chamber” I think that would have been a very powerful message and taken all the issues we touched upon to a new level of thinking. We then discussed the Lipstick and Labcoats article. We were split up in groups and touched upon certain parts of the article. None of the females in our class had a STEM major and one of the questions we discussed was why we (the females in the class) did not choose a STEM major? Personally I am not good at any of those subjects therefor for me it was not something that had to do with discouragement or because “I did not belong”. However, in my English class we discussed this and my teacher (a male) could not believe that professors discourage students to pursue these subject matters. He told us a story about when he was a principal he had a teacher that complained about having women in his science class and said they did not belong there and he corrected him saying they do belong there. I agree women should be able to walk into a high level Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math class without being doubted because they are capable of being in these areas. The last forty five minutes or so were dedicated to taking the same assessment that Julian had given us at the beginning of the semester.

I really enjoyed reading this week’s articles it is good to know that there is a way to stop oppression but it begins with us changing our way of thinking. As I was reading the articles I realized I have been going through some of the steps of the cycle of liberation but have only known of it because of this class. I have become more aware of issues that I perhaps would not have deemed as oppressive because I did not perceiving them that way. I have become more vocal towards these issues in my room, talking to my roommates and hearing their opinions about it as well. One of the conversations we had was about the R word (retarded). We advocate not using that word because we know that it is hurtful and people are offended when they hear it but, people do use it very flippantly and forget the real meaning of the word. This article reminded me a lot of a rhyme I heard a lot in school “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”.  I always thought it was ridiculous because if that were true then why do people get offended when they say something they do not like? It did not make any sense to me and it is because words do hurt and they do affect people even if they pretend it does not. In my experience I think I have gone through the waking up step and stopped at the building communities but I have not moved passed that and I would really want to move out of my comfort zone to help and make a difference to stop oppression because we need to change ourselves if we want to change the system.

Our Experience

In the beginning of the semester, Management 492 class, with a total of 14 students, took a trip to the Santa Rosa Island, to visit the Channel Islands research station and to experience first hand what travelers may endure while at Santa Rosa Island. The boat trip to Santa Rosa Island was an experience in itself, leaving the Ventura Harbor for an approximately 2 hour boat ride, and docking at the islands pier was a great time. Seeing the mainland start to fade away the further out to sea we traveled was a rush, while the islands we saw from a distance well on the mainland, grew bigger and bigger. You couldn’t help but notice the beautiful island beaches with sand that looked like it had been purified in a way, the sand almost looked completely white. Once we got to the bunkhouse we all scattered to claim rooms and check out what we will call home for the next couple days. After getting settled we took a trip down to the beach right next to the pier and walked about mile down. The hikes were the best part of the trip, as well as Cause Hanna sharing knowledge with us throughout the first hike. Walking through the island is like descovering a whole new world that you never experienced before, its so peaceful and full of adventure with every step you take. Lobo Canyon was a great hike to experience, the best part was the isolated beach at the end of hike, it was almost like a private beach. Our overall experience was great, visiting Santa Rosa Island is something every CI students should experience.

-Mgt. 492

Blog Post #9

Last class we started with a discussion about our experiences at the Tunnel of Oppression. I think that we were all able to take something away from our experience at the Tunnel of Oppression. I really enjoyed hearing everyone’s thoughts and insights since we didn’t go through the Tunnel together. I think that going through the Tunnel together as a class may have enhanced the experience but I know that it would have been near impossible to schedule everyone at the same time since the day of the event didn’t coincide with when we are in class. Overall I’m really glad that it was required for us to go and I’m glad we got a chance to talk about our experiences in class so we could have another chance to really think about it all. After our Tunnel of Oppression discussion we moved on to discuss the Lipstick and Labcoats article from a couple weeks ago. It was interesting to see the perspectives of other females compared to the males in the class. Unfortunately we don’t have any females majoring in any of the STEM fields so we weren’t able to hear any first hand experiences or perspectives but I think we still had a good discussion about the reading and our own experiences. We then moved on to discuss the articles on homelessness and we each went around and said one thing that we learned from these articles. I think these articles really made us all aware of the people around us and made me really appreciate all that we have. Since Julian’s activity for the day was to take the same test we took at the beginning of the semester, we spent the last part of class working on that.


Our last readings for this class were about the cycle of liberation and what we can do to stop oppressive behavior. While these readings were rather short, I think they are some of the most important readings we’ve talked about so far. I think one of the most important parts to the cycle of liberation is that there is no real beginning or end. I also liked how it was compared to a map because everyone can take their own route to their destination. I definitely think that this class has us all in at least the waking up stage because of all of the topics we have discussed. The other reading talked about what we can do to stop oppressive behavior and while saying something can be hard, it’s important to remember that doing nothing can hurt too. I think it’s really important that we take what we have learned in this class and pass it on by educating others so we can help stop oppressive behavior. I think that this class has given us the tools to continue on in the cycle of liberation and actually stand up rather than just sit back and watch it happen.