Blog post #1: Introduction

Blog post #1: Introduction 

Tell us about yourself, your nursing experience, school background, family, and/or outside interests. Are you working? Where? If not, where would you like to work? Where do you see your nursing career headed?

Hello everyone,

My name is Emily Wheeler. I was born and raised in Santa Barbara, California. I am the fourth child out of five in my family. I have 2 older brothers, an older sister, and a younger sister. I love my big family very much and I’m very grateful for all their support they give to me. I graduated from Santa Barbara City College (SBCC) this past May 2014,  where I did my prerequisites in 1 year for the nursing program as well as where I received my Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN). I enjoyed my 2 year ADN program very much and gained an immense amount of knowledge about nursing. Once I graduated from my ADN program, I was eager to take the NCLEX and get my registered nursing license. It took quite some time to receive my Authorization to Test (ATT) from the Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) but eventually I did receive it and took my NCLEX on October 2nd. I found out I passed two days later on October 4th 2014. I was extremely excited and happy! I have been a Registered Nurse for about 2 months now and have been looking for a part time position so I can begin my career! Once I am finished with the ADN to BSN 14 month “fast track” program here at CSUCI I want to apply for a full time position in a hospital. My areas of interest in nursing are cardiac, trauma, and public health. I may also be interested working in a surgery center or possibly home health care sometime in my career. As you can see, I have many interests related to nursing! :) I am very passionate about nursing and look forward to starting my career in which I begin to care for a variety of different patients. Some outside interests that I have include: traveling, spending time with family and friends, swimming, sailing,  running, hiking, biking, gardening, going to the beach, being in nature, going to the movies, and cooking. I am very excited to start this class! I look forward to seeing you all!

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Final Blog!!

  1. 5
  2. 5
  3. 5
  4. I think my strengths with my blog, was linking class concepts with scenarios in Survivor. With commenting on others blogs, I participated every week and tried to link comments with course material but it was difficult.
  5. To improve on my blog and participation, I could have talked about Survivor a little more in each blog, and in comments I could have written a little more.
  6. I enjoyed blogging for the most part. I thought it was a fun and different assignment for class.
  7. I did not like that blogs were due on Mondays. Having class and a blog due along with other assignments seemed like too much for one day.
  8. For blogging in the future, I would suggest changing the day it is due to Fridays. I would also start it earlier in the semester so that we wouldn’t be starting class material, SCAP, and the blog at the same time, it got overwhelming.

blog post 9

During the last class session we discussed the Stem related articles in groups it was interesting to see what everyone’s opinion was about women pursuing the STEM field. Many of the questions we answered as a group are not really thought about like some women need to hide that there intelligent in order to keep their pool of mates open. We then discussed about the articles about the homeless and poor the articles touched me and really made me think about the homeless especially because we read them right before the holidays.  The tunnel of oppression was a great experience and i feel everyone should go through it because people are not really aware of the oppression around them, this may not be intentional they may think its normal because that what they grew up with. If i get the opportunity to go through the tunnel next year i will do it again and this time maybe tell more people about like the ones unaware of the event happening.

For this weeks readings i found the cycle of liberation inspirational its interesting how little changes in our lives and thinking can really make a difference and interrupt the cycle of oppression. The article mentioned that we all go through a point where we realize their needs to be change, But once we know we cant just ignore what is happening around us rather in order to change the cycle we must meet like minded people who think and feel the same in order to create the change.After always question everything rules,assumptions and the system of oppression.In the article titled Next steps the author talked about situations she herself had witnessed and how disabled and  different skin colored individuals had been made fun of and mistreated. The author explains the importance of not staying quiet if something bothers you instead say what you truly feel about the situation. By not joining the oppressive behavior we start to incorporate actions that work toward social justice.By educating ourselves about the topic we can then educate the people around us this can be done by reading, but most importantly interrupt the behavior. This can be difficult specially if no one you know really has done this and staring a trend can be difficult specially if people are not informed. For these reasons i feel the people that should be exposed to the topic of actually attacking oppression are teachers because in my opinion if they don’t know how to solve the problem how can they teach kids to act when the problem does occur. But of course parents i feel are the main source of how their children will act unfortunately most parents don’t have the knowledge about the oppression going on or how to teach it. Fortunately  this class was a guide for me to teach my child in the future and i hope by teaching him he will be less likely to fall into the cycle in the future.

Taylor Ebbert Intro

My name is Taylor Ebbert and I graduated from Mount St. Mary’s College in May 2014.  I am currently working at an Adult School.  I would eventually like to work in the ED at a hospital.  In my spare time I like to spend time with my friends and family, sail, and hike.

Betzabeth Ahumada about myself


My name is Betzabeth Ahumada, and I am excited to take critical nursing skills. I graduated from Moorpark College in 2012, and I am currently doing the two year program RN to BSN. I have a bachelor’s from CLU in biology. I was unable to take this course with my cohorts this past term due to a family emergency. I have been working as an RN for two years and I think it is an amazing profession where I can grow. My ultimate goal is to be solely a chemo RN.

Besides nursing, I love to hike, play the piano, and dance. I have been playing the piano for over 20 years. I am currently 29.

I look forward to meeting most of you in class tomorrow.

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Hello world!

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What Can WE do? #9

Last week in class we discussed briefly about our thoughts and feelings about the tunnel of oppression. One common theme that arose from this experience is that a lot of us were saddened by the experience because we see this happening on a daily basis but we just don’t recognize it. It made me realize that there is oppression happening around us sometime and we are not really aware of it. I really enjoyed this experience and I would definitely go through it again. In the last part of class we took an assessment that was given to us at the beginning of the year and we were given it again last Friday. Hopefully my results improved.

In this weeks readings How to Interpret Oppressive Behavior, it gave us an example of how two individuals were expelled from a summer camp due to the fact that they were African-AMerican. Afterwards, we were given different examples of how we can either work against social justice or work towards social justice.  I thought it was interesting to see how we can do something as speaking up when we see cases such as this one. The best tool we can do to stop acts like these from happening is to educate individuals who are not informed and help put a stop to this ever-growing issue. Seeing oppressive behavior happen right in front of our eyes is the easiest thing to see, but saying speaking up is the hardest thing to do. So, as suggested by the article we should all take a little step forward and help to slowly diminish these behaviors and will slowly start seeing a change in our society. We will see a society that respects all individuals no matter the language we speak or the tone of our skin. We are all human beings and we all deserve to be respected for who we are.


Group B Extra Credit

1. Assignment title: Spot your Group

2.Assignment objectives: Students will interact with members of society as well as applying what they have learned from their chapter that was assigned to them by the teacher. Then students will demonstrate a specific situation that applies to the main message of the chapter. It will give them the opportunity to view group work outside of the class rooms and witness it in real life situations. Through this assignment students will be able to apply course concepts to real world group work, experience group roles in action, and reflect on the stages of group development.

3. Assignment description: Students will do two hours of service learning in a group setting i.e. boys and girls club, feeding the homeless, etc. Then in class they will act out what they did in service learning and apply it to the chapter given. They will pick a situation that happened during their service learning project act it out and somehow connect that to the chapter given. For example, if they wanted to go to the Boys and Girls club and had chapter three. During their visit,  maybe they witnessed a child sitting by themselves they could connect that child to an underpersonal member as stated in chapter three. They would have to act out as a group the situation where the child is sitting in the corner and then half the group would act it out and half of the group would explain the situation and connect the experience to the chapter for there fellow students. This way,  the students are able to learn about the chapter through real life experiences not only visually via demonstration but verbally as well.

4. Assignment instructions: In order to be successful in this assignment, students must fulfill the two hour service learning requirement and the students must connect it to the course. Time limit is 7-10 minutes. Must use presentation aids and have a well prepared skit.

5. Assignment evaluation: Organization, clear ideas, easy to follow, perception of team work. They have to have the service learning plan printed off the CIlearn printed and signed. This will be graded out of 50 points.


Karina Gilad & Katherine Dombrowski