Hello Classmates!

Hello Classmates!

My name is Ashley Eads. I graduated nursing school in December 2013.  I cant believe its already been a year,  I’m still recovering from the PTSD!!  I currently work as a RN at Los Robles Hospital on a medical surgical unit, and I love it.  I learn something new every shift.  However,  my heart is in the emergency room and I hope to transfer there after I gain some more experience.  Eventually I hope to get my DNP and be certified as a  nurse practitioner.

Group B Extra Credit

  • Assignment Title:
    • Group Survivor Blogs


  • Assignment Objective:
    • As a Group, members will see how the chapters and content of that weeks discussion apply to real world scenarios. It will allow group collaboration in the analyzing of the episode. It will also allow students to help their peers understand the content from another point of view. Allowing them to understand something further then they already did.


  • Assignment Description:
    • For this Project group members will be posting a weekly blog based off of the course content and the survivor episode for that week. Group members will watch each weeks episode, individually, and analyze the casts communication as groups, or in this case tribes. Then come together with their group members and find out how the in-class content connects with the episode.


  • Assignment Instructions:
    • Students will watch Survivor every week and write a blog as a group. The blog should consist of a short description of the topic that was discussed in the class prior to the episode; as well as provide 2-3 examples for how that chapter applies to the episode. The blog will then be posted to the groups website.


  • Assignment Evaluation:
    1. The assignment will be grade weekly so the group can receive feedback on their blog content to see if it is done correctly
    2. Blogs should consist of a short description of that weeks topics that was discussed in class
    3. Included in the blog should be 2-3 examples of how the topics were shown in the episode

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!