My first blog

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My name is Myeisha Thompson. I have been an LVN for 3 years (graduated in 2011) and now am an RN. I went to Ventura College and graduated May 2014. I passed the NCLEX-RN on my first try and received my RN license September 20, 2014! (I will forever remember that day). Before becoming licensed I was a home health aid, for some reason I never got my CNA. I worked with various home health care agencies for about 5 years while attending Oxnard College for my prereq’s.  After receiving my LVN I became the Facility Manager at a residential nursing home for children I was working at. I worked there for about 6 months before getting offered a job working at an elementary school. After about 3 or 4 months working there I got an acceptance letter into Ventura College School of Nursing. I unfortunately had to quit that job (hours conflicted with school hours and school was definitely first priority). I am currently working as a pediatric home health RN. However, my heart is in Obstetrics. I absolutely love labor and delivery, mother and baby, NICU, anything that has to deal with anything of that matter. I really want to do something in this field along with public and/or home health, mixing the two.

I am the 2nd oldest of 6 girls in my family, no brothers (thank God!). I have a 2 nieces (one born 1 day ago!!!) and a nephew. I have a fiance that I have been with for 8 years. I am a family person. I love doing things with my family. I like hosting game nights, BBQs, anything to get everybody together. I really enjoy playing volleyball. Every time the family get together we have volleyball matches, boys against girls (and of course the girls win ). I have been trying to save money and budget more because I am planning a wedding! Date May 30, 2015. So I have started couponing which have saved me so much thus far. Plus, our lease is up next July so we are also in the hunt for a new place! I was a little skeptical about this blogging thing but, now (after I am finishing up here) I kind of like it.

Can’t wait to read everyone’s blog.

Survivor Blog Numero 10

1. I submitted all my blogs on time, so 5.

2. I did post on people’s blogs, but not consistently, so 3.

3. I tried looking for class concepts throughout the episode, but most of the show was entertainment rather than group capabilities, so 4.

4. I understand the theory, that for those who aren’t the best at participating can have a voice online, but if you are in a communication class, I think you need to get over that. I consider myself an introvert, but I made it my duty to be proactive and communicative in class. I can’t honestly endorse the blogging, but like I said, I do recognize the relevance.

5. Improvements could be made if the blogs actually felt like it was a group assignment rather than attempting to utilize more technology within the course. I did feel slightly apathetic in that sense. I could get over it and just do it, that’d be my only means for improvement.

6. I liked the concept, but not really the execution. The chapter presentation really solidified your knowledge within one chapter and the blogs encourage the reading of the others. That worked well.

7. I didn’t like doing it ultimately, but that’s because I am a lazy person. Nothing against the premise really, it was just a case of operator error.

8. No comments, at least no constructive comments could be taken into account from me. I don’t think that people had a problem with it, and after the initial struggle of getting people on board, I think most people ended up liking it.


1. On a scale from 1-5; I would probably give myself a 4 because I turned in majority of the blogs and even if I missed (I missed two), I posted one to make up for it.

2. On a scale from 1-5; I would probably give myself a 2 because I did some of the comments, when I remembered to do them. I did find them beneficial when people would constructively comment on my blog.

3. On a scale from 1-5; I would rate myself a 5 because I always incorporated 2-3 concepts from the most recent chapter or chapter relating into my blogs.

4. My strengths included: including course concepts, my blogs would read well with no grammatical errors, I tried to make them relatable and fun to read. It’s hard to read 60 blogs and not one of them being slightly different and interesting to read.

5. I could improve my display of the blog as well as my consistency on commenting on others blogs. I felt that I really lacked in that area. I also wish I could have related the material more to my real life, while still incorporating the show and class concepts.

6. My favorite thing about the blogs was that I have never done it before. I still plan on continuing my blog after the class. I feel being able to express myself online will be a great opportunity for me to create a place to inspire and teach others as well.

7. I didn’t like how we only blogged about the show; would have been fun to see some other topics that the whole class could debate on.

8. I don’t have any other suggestions except the one mentioned  before. I really had a good time with it.

The Long Forgotten post…

So it finally happened; I missed a few blog posts unfortunately preparing for other classes during our university’s “dead week”. This blog though I hope to talk about the past two episodes and how critical the types of leaders and power are in this game. At the end of the first episode(11/26/14) Reed was the 10th member voted out and in the extended episode(12/3/14) Wes and Alec were voted out.

In each of these episodes, once again Jon and Jacklyn were the final decision makers. I feel that eventually Jon let that go to his head effecting the decisions that came afterwards. Obviously though, after Jeremy the key leaders were Reed and Jon. I felt that both Reed and Jon held qualities of being a leader, they spoke very often, especially when it concerned the direction of the game. However I felt that Reed didn’t listen well to others, consider when everyone was under tension because of the fight between Jacklyn and Jon. All Reed could think about was how he could get them to make up because his ass was on the line. If he spent more time listening to both parties problem he might have been able to defuse the situation but instead he basically was just rushing them to makeup on their own so he could get their vote decision. Jon however, seemed to listen to what another member said, even if it was Reed, and considered all of his options, even discussed it with Jacklyn before hand to gain more incite to make the right choice. This game is particularly hard to be a true leader in my opinion because in the end it’s an individual winner. But Jon and Reed would both offer their opinions when problems arose and tried to learn as much as possible and would share as much information as they knew with their alliance so they all had the best chance (Jon with Natalie about his immunity idol; Reed with Jon about his plan to flip on him if he didn’t side with him towards the end).

The types of power in this game came heavily from information (idols and plans) and reward challenges. Which based on our book if someone has informational power they control and transmit needed information and reward power controls and gives out resources valued by members. I believe that each alliance would use these powers as a whole group (group meaning who ever was on a particular alliance at a particular time). I think that when it came to power over the game, even though there were obvious leaders, each player played a role in gaining and giving power. For example, when Natalie found out that Keith had an idol, that information gave her an Baylor the advantage and more power over everyone else because they also found an idol because they knew that Keith could play his. Also when Natalie picked Jacklyn and Jon t shared her Spaghetti/Bed Reward only to get Jon on her side.

Lastly I wanted to talk about the types of leaders that we’ve seen in the past couple of games. I feel, even though I haven’t mentioned her yet, Natalie is a huge, quiet, leader. Jon, Reed and Natalie, to me are all autocratic leaders that want to control the direction of the game by making the decisions even is they have to lie to their members. It’s hard to have a democratic leader when you have a competitive game, everyone wants to win.

Reflection on Blogging Participation

1. I would rate myself a 5. I completed all of the blog assignments and I did them all on time.

2. I would rate myself a 4. I consistency commented on a peer’s blog every week. Some weeks my comments were not as thorough.

3. I would rate myself a 5. Each week I would integrate the class concepts on a chapter we had learned toward Survivor.

4. My strengthens in regard to blogging is that I was able to effectively summarize what happened in each episode of Survivor then go back and describe how the individuals of Survivor exhibited the core concepts. I believe my strengths were I also had consistently long blogs, with ‘clever’ titles and commented every week.

5. I would improve my blogging by not summarizing as much and just describing during the whole blog how the characters exhibited the chapter concepts.

6. What I liked about the blogging was it was a different way to learn about the chapter and describe our perspective on the chapters and the Survivor season.

7. What I disliked about the blog was that they were due every week and also sometimes it was difficult to connect the chapter to the episode we just watched.

8. The suggestions that I would have is, having us watch a Season of Survivor that had already happened so that we did not have to wait each week for an episode to come out. Another suggestion is having us relate it to a chapter we have already learned not a particular one each week.

Reflection of Blogging & Participation

1.  5

2. 5

3. 5

4. I think a strength I displayed in participation was, I incorporated other student’s comments to build my own. I also feel like I try to bring a different perspective when in discussions. A strength I had in the blogs was, I think I wove in materials from the textbook very well into my blogs. Another strength I brought to the blogs was that I used a very distinct style of writing that made it obvious it was my post; my voice helped make the blog more interesting. I also think my use of pictures, and my own personal views on situations kept it fun.

5. I think I could help improve my participation by not being afraid to answer questions, or share my views. In the blogs, I think I could have organized the structure of each post better, so as to make it easier to follow my thought process.

6. I liked the blogs because even though a big chunk of it was to incorporate the textbook, I also had the freedom to comment about certain things tribes did that I did/didn’t like.

7. I was not into the show as much as I hoped I would be, so it was hard to keep up with the episodes.

8. I think there should be a list of shows that students can vote on. This way they feel more involved in the assignment.