
Hello all

I am Sophia Manson and I’m a Scorpio.I graduated from Ventura College and passed my NCLEX in Sept.  Currently I work in Assessment and Referrals as a RN at Vista del Mar psych hospital.  I get the opportunity to sharpen my assessment skills at my job a well as see the inter-workings of the hospital politics and learn another side to nursing dealing with paperwork and insurance companies as well.

Nursing school had shown me I am interested in many areas of nursing its hard to decide where my true passion lies and I am excited to see where my career will take me. My ADN is just the beginning of a career that will hopefully ( I only say hopefully for financial reasons) take me to obtaining my NP.  I am fascinated by the juvenile justice system and would like to eventually be a practitioner in one of the youth authority facilities or a facility like Casa Pacifica for youths with behavior problems. On the other hand public health nursing is also an interest of mine. So this journey will be very interesting.

Technology in health care

I think the advancement of technology in regard to health care apps is a very good thing.  Consumerism is on the rise and not only do people have internet access, they have it in the palm of their hand with a wealth of information.  Apps now cannot only allow you to take a pulse but they can keep logs on blood sugars, to pedometers  with food and exercise logs.  There are also reference apps for medication searches and blood test normal ranges. I even used apps to study for the NCLEX.  So both the public and health care workers have access to very useful information. I think my use of it will continue to be the same over time which is for everything. I use technology for work school and play.

Mobile technology has a variety of uses as well.  It allows for mobile based home health care and electronic / mobile charting.   This can keep a patient out of the hospital and in the comfort of their own home.  Patient safety is a concern however this makes a nurse’s/heath care professional’s teaching is so important in regard to monitors.  Regular home visits by a nurse are also imperative to keeping the patient safe.

There is tons of research that’s been done on home care and mobile pro’s are a drastic reduction in health care costs, the con being hospitals losing money for the patients that stay out of the hospital.

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