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Technology in my classroom

My classroom isn’t the most technologically advanced, but we do what we can.  We share a Chromebook cart with another classroom and try to get the students on it as often as possible.  We use Google Classroom and Google Drive for assignments whenever possible and play on a wide variety of other websites to enhance learning.  This week, we even participated in the “Hour of Code” event, which my kids loved.

In this day and age, the push for technology in the classroom is constantly in the news.  But I’ve also learned that there are times that it cannot replace traditional methods of learning, such as reading a good book.  We recently finished reading Where the Red Fern Grows.  We did complete at number of technology projects during the book, but nothing can replace turning the pages of the book and face-to-face discussions over the sensitive material in the book.

As I transition from student teacher to having my own classroom, I hope to be able to balance using technology with traditional learning methods so that students are fully exposed to a variety of ways to learn.

Ahoy Everyone!

After a long day of work.
After a long day of work.

Hey everyone, my name is Brittany Sandoval and I recently graduated from College of the Canyons this June. As you can all see, I have a free-spirited  five year old daughter. She definitely keeps me on my toes and my days are filled with “whys”. Being a single parent hasn’t always been easy, but throughout this experience I have learned that with hard work anything is possible.

I am currently working as a driving instructor (yes, it is scary…) as I wait to get a new grad position. I would like to work in either Labor and Delivery or in ICU. I really enjoy a high pace environment where you are constantly moving. I hope to gain some experience as a RN before pursing a Masters degree. I feel like we can never stop learning.


Blog Post #10

1. I give myself a 5 because in a timely manner I was I was submitting my blog post’s consistently.

2. I give myself a 5 because I gave one thorough comment on a peers blog with at least 100 words per comment.

3. I believe that I integrated the class concepts well because I received positive feedback from my peers. I was able to use the class concepts by using them accurately when connecting them with the show.

4. With regards to blogging I  was able to use good examples from the chapter linked into the show survivor. I also was able to keep up with each blog and comment for my peers. I feel like I improved over time in the way I used my examples.

5. I feel like I could improve with my blogging by adding even more detail when relating the concept.

6. I liked how I was able to give my opinion about the show after using my examples. I liked that I was able read other blogs and comment on other blogs.

7. I disliked that the show would take a lot of time to watch and after I still had to blog and comment. I feel like over all it took a lot of time.

8. Suggestions that I have for this blog in the future to improve would be to change shows like not only watch survivor but other shows that other people like.

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This is the End

On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent and timely were you with submitting your blog posts and learning activities in a timely manner?


On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent and timely were you with participation posts on your peer’s blogs, GooglePresentation Discussions and VoiceThread comments?


Please describe what you think your strengths were with regard to blogging and participation.

I think that my strengths were that I took time when trying to evaluate each chapter and answer the questions as thoroughly as possible. I also believe that when I would read my classmates work, I would really try to give them feedback from a completely different perspective, mainly to have discussion use more critical thinking than anything else.

Please describe how you think you could improve on your blogging and participation.

I believe I could have been a bit more timely with my responses.

What were strengths of the course (optional)?

I believe that the strengths of the course consisted of great material (I really enjoyed the textbook as a whole) and great learning experiences. Learning how to use a plethora of different technological advances was really amazing and I know they will definitely come in helpful in the future.

What suggestions do you have for this class in the future (optional)?

I think that the layout of the website could be constructed a little differently. In my opinion the weekly assignment tabs got a little clustered with breaking it up into blog post, participation and assignments rather than just what is due on Tuesday and what is due on Friday.

At least one more face to face meet up would have been beneficial.

What advice do you have for individuals who take this class in the future (optional)?

I would advise others who take this course to make a timeline to work on assignments according to what best works with their schedule and to stick to it. Also, I would advise others to check the website as frequently as possible as you do not receive notifications when something is posted.




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Hello Everybody,
My name is Ashleigh Martinez and I am very excited to start third session with you all. I graduated from Ventura College this past May of 2014, and started CSUCI right away. I am currently not working, but have a job interview so excited about that. I am a mother of an almost three year old toddler named Luis (Lu). He is my everything and I’m on this journey for him mostly. I would like to work in a hospital setting to get some experience under my belt and eventually become a public health nurse. I have lived in the wonderful city of Oxnard my whole life, weather is wonderful, no complaints. I like to do activities with Lu as much as I can, he keeps me going for sure. I hope to see your faces soon, I don’t really like this online stuff…LOL. Take care everyone, and Happy Holidays to you all.

Best Wishes, Ashleigh



My name is Robbie Bauer and am very happy to be a part of CSUCI Nursing.  I graduated from Ventura College’s nursing program in December 2012 and am now currently working for Walgreens Infusion Services.  I enjoy most aspects of the nursing profession and wish to further my career and education by studying to become a Nurse Practitioner.

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