Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

About Myself…

My name is Amanda Baker, I just recently graduated nursing school in May of 2014. I recently started a job at Los Robles Hospital in their Nurse Residency Program and I am working days in the float pool. I am starting my second month and every day has been such a learning experience and I love it! I stick mainly to the med-surg floors and occasionally I will float to oncology as well. When I am not busy with school or work I love to relax and have some downtime with my friends and family. I also ride horses and it has always been a passion of mine. I am hoping to one day get into emergency nursing whether that be in the ER or ICU. Thats a little bit about me. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to NRS 401

Welcome to NRS 401!  By way of introduction, this is my second year with CSUCI.  I also work at West Hills Hospital and Medical Center as a critical care RN, working in the ICU. I have worked at West Hills  Hospital for the past 8 years.  I also have experience in Telemetry, Cardiac Cath Lab, Special Procedures and GI Lab.

I look forward to meeting all you!


Nursing401: Week 1 – Technology and the Future of Nursing

Technology continues to grow faster with each day. Unfortunately, it can take a while to be utilized by health providers within the health care system. While I was completing my ADN program, there was little use of any sort of technology with the exception of electronic medical records, utilizing a bar code for medications, bedside monitoring, EKG monitoring, and checking ER wait times. But in retrospect, these are all limited to the hospital. In the blog “Digital Trends in nursing”, the blogger, Raney Linck, focuses on how technology can be used within health care and how it will impact nurses.

For me, technology is extremely important in the future of nursing. In the blog, Linck shared with us how that the wearable biometric monitoring systems are booming. There are phone apps that become EKG monitors and headsets that can measure heart rates and more. But it makes me wonder, what happens to all the data collected from these applications? Can they be sent to health care providers for monitoring? If they can, will this decrease the amount of hospital stays for those patients under observation?

As much as I enjoy the ease of technology, I don’t believe that technology should ever replace any assessment. As much as programmers try, there will always be errors and the use of technology can never duplicate that gut feeling that something is not right. Plus, assessing patients for change is the most important part of nursing. I do, however, feel that technology and nurses can work hand in hand, such as continuous EKG monitoring on a telemetry floor.

In my future as a nurse, it will be important for me to understand how each program and app works so I will be able to better care for each patient. And after searching through the rnnext.com website, I have found some apps that I can download onto my phone which will be great references when I’m out in the field.

Cloud Computing in Schools


Cloud computing is one of the amazing new technologies empowering both professional and personal online worlds. Cloud computing is the process that works by leveraging the world wide web and some of the distant computers it is comprised of, allowing collaboration of multiple people simultaneously in the same or different locations. It can allow everything from real time interaction with a single document, to utilizing programs that never have to be installed on your personal computer. Examples of cloud computing that you may have heard of are iCloud and GoogleDrive. Check out the infographic below!


A great benefit to cloud computing in schools is that the information in the cloud can be accessed from any computer simply be logging in to its holding account on the Internet. Teachers and students can access their information in their own room as well as in the computer lab or in other rooms. Recently in my school, we have begun using Google Drive to share information among teachers and between classes. The goal is for classes and grades to collaborate. For example, third grade students will type their writing pieces on a word processor on the cloud and will give access to fifth graders. Fifth grade students would then edit and suggest revisions to the third graders on the document that is saved in the cloud.


Personally, I love to use cloud computing for projects. For school I can work on group projects at the same time on the same document as other group members. No longer do we have to select a person to collect all the information and combine it into one presentation. Now we just all get on the same document in the cloud and work collaboratively as we share ideas and add to each other’s work. I’ve used Google Drive throughout the Credential Program and it’s been an amazing resource.


Cloud Computing promotes collaboration and this is something we are trying to encourage in our schools. With cloud computing there is less hassle with finding documents, and less opportunity to misplace or forget documents. Cloud Computing is one of the many technologies being introduced in our schools and I believe it is the way of the future. Staff will soon be using this to share all necessary documents or even plan together and work on documents together. Students will be collaborating with peers, older/younger students and their teacher while maintaining a positive access to technology.


Some helpful resources to learn more about cloud computing can be found here:







The end of a road

  • On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent and timely were you with submitting your blog posts and learning activities in a timely manner?

Besides this blog post, I would rate myself a 4. I made sure to turn the majority of the work on time. The times I did not turn an assignment in on time was due to a misunderstanding of where to turn in an assignment. For instance, I would turn in something on CI learn, when instead, it was supposed to be turned in on google docs. But I always had the work completed when it was due.

  • On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent and timely were you with participation posts on your peer’s blogs, GooglePresentation Discussions and VoiceThread comments?

I would give myself a 5. I was consistent with providing peer feedback for all the assignments.

  • Please describe what you think your strengths were with regard to blogging and participation.

I think my strengths were being conscious of due dates and trying to give my peers good analysis on peer feedback. I think another strength was providing detailed responses on the blog questions.

  • Please describe how you think you could improve on your blogging and participation.

I could improve my participation by being even more responsive and applying myself more. Sometimes I would settle for the bare minimum with regards to sustaining and cultivating the “conversation” aspect of blogging. I could have done a better job of expanding upon peer comments.

  • What were strengths of the course (optional)?

There were multiple strengths of the course. One of them is the technology that we used. Using technology to teach a course is rather new and innovative and It was exiting to be a part of an online class. It helped me to grow as a student. Another strength was the communication. I think the class did an excellent job of providing feedback to one another.

  • What suggestions do you have for this class in the future (optional)?

One thing that I will suggest for the future is to clarify exactly where to submit homework/projects. As stated above, sometimes I was confused about where to submit projects whether it would be on CI learn, or on google docs, or both. Clarifying this would be of great help to the student.

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

One last one for the road…

On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent and timely were you with submitting your blog posts and learning activities in a timely manner?


On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent and timely were you with participation posts on your peer’s blogs, GooglePresentation Discussions and VoiceThread comments.


Please describe what you think your strengths were with regard to blogging and participation.

I feel like one of my strengths in regards to my blogging would be that I attempted to keep all of my posts as personal as possible, by doing so I wanted others to see were I stood.  I also noted that when I would comment on my peers posts I would always try to leave a positive comment behind and point out if we happened to agree on something or if we came to the same conclusion. Other than leaving a positive comment, I would also post follow up questions when I felt that there could be a bit more explanation or when I had questions in regards to where they ended their post.

Please describe how you think you could improve on your blogging and participation.

One way in which I think that I could have improved in would have been checking back onto the site more frquently than what I had been doing throughout the semester. Some of the comments that were left behind by my classmates were very interesting follow up questions that really took what I had originally written to a new level.  In regards to the aspect of blogging, this is very new to me, and I feel like any minor change on my behalf could improve my blogging. For example, one way could be by planning out my posts, by doing this I feel like there could have been a better flow to my posts.

What were strengths of the course (optional)?

One of the strengths of this course would be the introduction to new aspects of technology that could be potentially be used in a classroom setting or any other setting for that matter. I feel like it was one of the things that I really enjoyed the most from the course, was learning about new applications that could facilitate or give a twist to how we would normally go about doing an activity.

What advice do you have for individuals who take this class in the future (optional)?

One thing that I would suggest would be to give yourself time in regards to posting your activities. Although technology is great because it makes things easier, it’s not always as reliant as you might think.  That said this class offers a variety of different applications that can be used to do different activities, so I would suggest to be open to the new concepts and ask as many questions as needed to clarify any confusions.