Hey Everyone!

My name is Lindsey Davies and I am a Registered Nurse (just in case you missed it in my title). In June, I graduated from College of the Canyons where I received my Associated Degree in Nursing followed by my passing of the NCLEX to become a licensed Registered Nurse. I am currently enrolled in the California State University, Channel Islands fast-track RN to BSN program where I hope to graduate this summer. I am currently not working in the the health care field but hope to soon. My goal is to get a couple years of experience under my belt on a Med/Surg unit then move on to work in the ED or ICU and eventually in a Cath lab. Outside of all this, I love to hike and travel.

Reflection of Blogging & Participation

1. On a scale of 1-5, I’d give myself a 2. I was not consistent at all with submitting my blog posts after the first few. Since I do not have cable, I had to rely on the website. For the first few posts, I had to use the typed up transcripts of the episodes because the video of the episode would not load. This dropped my motivation to do blog at all on Survivor considering I saw none of the interactions, I simply read about everything.

2. On a scale of 1-5, I’d give myself a 1 considering I did not comment on anyone’s blog.

3. Looking at the few blogs I did post, I think I did very well integrating the class concepts with the Survivor episode summary. If I had completed all the blogs, I’d say I would have earned a 4. But considering I did not, I’m sure I earned much less.

4. My strengths were that when I DID blog and participate, it was thorough and in a professional manner.

5. I could definitely have improved my participation by pulling through despite technical difficulty and continuing the blog posts.

6. Honestly, I did not really like the blogging at all. I suppose being able to deign the color scheme and whatnot of the blog itself was the best part.

7. Referring to my previous answer, there was a lot that I did not like. Blogging by a certain date about a television show did not grab my attention, if I were to be completely honest.

8. Perhaps requiring the blog posts to be relating descriptions of one’s daily life or observations to the class concepts would be a little more appealing to a diverse group of students. Or, perhaps having it relate any television show to the course concepts, rather than Survivor only. Narrowing it down to one television show appeals to a small audience.

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Final Post

  1. Definitely only a 2 I barely submitted the blog posts and out of the ones done they were on time.
  2. I would grant myself a 1 because I never posted on a peer’s blog
  3. I think out of the posts that I did I would give myself a 4 because I made sure to directly tie in what was happening in the episode to the chapter specified
  4. My strengths definitely were tying together what the chapter was talking about to the episode, I think I had a great understanding of what the chapters were saying and did a decent job finding the possible connections to the text.
  5. I could have tried more to keep up on deadlines and to put some overall effort into the blogs themselves, although I did put effort into each post that I ended up doing I could have focused more on getting them done sooner rather than waiting til the last minute and in the end not getting them done.
  6. I liked that there was a unique way that I was more familiar with to make a relation to the text with something that has been around for quite a few years. Although it was sometimes to difficult to find and make a connection to the show and the text it brought in a new perspective beyond just the words on the page.
  7. The only thing that I disliked about blogging was not being a fan of the show, I was disinterested the entire time and overall did not enjoy blogging about a show that didn’t bring much excitement.
  8. The only suggestion to make is to think of another show that could be used that still holds the relevancy that Survivor does but is  tad bit more interesting.

Luke Lineberger – Post IV

My consistency was about a 1/5.

I don’t think I ever commented on anyone’s blog, so 1/5.

For the blogposts I did make, I think I did all right tying them in to the lesson…so 4/5.

If I had any strengths on blogging and participating, I think they’d have been analysis of the episode in regards to course content…and I barely participated, so nothing there.

To remember them before they were mentioned in class might have helped.

The experience of blogging and CIKeys was one worth experiencing and repeating. The experience of setting up a blog was enjoyable.

What I did not enjoy were the topic and deadlines, though I understand what purpose they serve.

My suggestions for this assignment, should you choose to integrate it into future courses, would be to avoid limiting the subject to one show/theme/issue. Other classes have incorporated similar assignments which were based on real-life examples, experiences from other classes, or events hosted at CI which offered a broader range of insight regarding the course concepts.


On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with submitting your blog posts in a timely manner? 5

On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with posting at least one thorough comment on a peer’s blog? 4

One a scale of 1-5 (5 being very well), how well did you integrate class concepts into your posts about the Survivor show?4

Please describe what you think your strengths were with regard to blogging and participation.

I think my strength in blogging is already having a lot of experience with technology and using a computer  a lot so It wasn’t difficult to post the blogs and using technology wasn’t a problem to me. 

Please describe how you think you could improve on your blogging and participation. 

I believe I could improve  by posting more blogs about different things that I find interesting, and a comes depending on what outcome you will get out of it. For example I participated in blogging because it was part of my grade, if It was optional I would have probably not done it. Participation also comes with how interested you are in the subject or assignment.     

What did you like about blogging?

What I liked the most is being able to do it on WordPress, I had never used this type of software so it was new to me and it’s always nice to learn something new. 

What did you dislike about blogging?

I was never really into survivor so having to blog about a show that your not really interested in makes the assignment harder to complete. 

What suggestions do you have for this assignment in the future?

One suggestion I would have is to have a couple of shows that students could pick from to watch, so instead of just survivor have a list of 2 or 3 shows you think people could relate the class text to. If that doesn’t work at least give the option for people to vote on what show they would like to do the assignment on so that it’s a show that interest the students and possibly you have a higher participation rate.

Final Blog Post ♡

Lets just go question by question:

On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with submitting your blog posts in a timely manner? Since I only did the last few blog posts, I don’t really know how to evaluate myself. On one hand, I didn’t do 6 posts, but on the other hand, I was very consistent with the ones I did submit every monday. I think I get a 3, right in the middle.


On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with posting at least one thorough comment on a peer’s blog? Not at all…1


One a scale of 1-5 (5 being very well), how well did you integrate class concepts into your posts about the Survivor show? I think I did a very good job of integrating the class concepts with the show. I made an effort in all my posts to have at least half of the blog entry about class concepts. 4


Please describe what you think your strengths were with regard to blogging and participation. I think my strength was my ability to integrate the class concepts with the show, and actually being able to understand the class concepts afterwards. The integration of Survivor helped me to think more critically about the clas concepts in a way that would be better to understand.


Please describe how you think you could improve on your blogging and participation. I think that if I had actually participated in the first blog posts, I would have been a better overall blogger.


What did you like about blogging? I liked the idea of being able to write my thoughts and interpretations of the show down in a platform other than writing it out and turning it in. The blogs let me be more creative with my responses to the given prompts.


What did you dislike about blogging? Initially I disliked the idea of people reading my blog, and the nervousness that accompanied it. Once I was able to get over it, however, I was able to have fun with it
What suggestions do you have for this assignment in the future? My only suggestion would be to actually participate. The blog assignment was a fun and different way to do class assignments, and I wish I would have partipated the whole semester.


On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with submitting your blog posts in a timely manner?


On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with posting at least one thorough comment on a peer’s blog?


One a scale of 1-5 (5 being very well), how well did you integrate class concepts into your posts about the Survivor show?

It took me about 2 blogs in to realize that was the concept of doing these blogs… so 4.

Please describe what you think your strengths were with regard to blogging and participation.

I like to believe my strengths were relating the chapter to the blogs once I realized I had to & I was pretty consistent on commenting on other students’ blogs, trying to comment on someone new each week.

Please describe how you think you could improve on your blogging and participation.

I definitely could have been more thorough and added more details about the episodes.

What did you like about blogging?

I like how interactive it was with having to comment on each other’s posts. It made us engaged with one another.

What did you dislike about blogging?

I dislike how off the timing is still for me because I can’t figure that out to save my life & also it was hard to relate the specific chapters. It would have been easier if we could have picked any chapter but only be allowed to relate the chapter for one blog.

What suggestions do you have for this assignment in the future?

Allowing the students to relate their blog to any chapter but once they use that chapter for a blog, they can’t use it again.

That’s a Wrap

1) 3

2) 3

3) 5

4) I was able to capture what went on during the episode and correlate it with what we were studying in class.

5) I believe I could have been able to submit a few more assignments. I was pretty diligent with doing them on time then before midterms I started to forget about it. I also submitted one and it didn’t go through which started a domino effect in not remembering/caring to do them.

6) I liked associating the theories with real life examples (even if they were from a horrible show). This helped me remember them for the tests.

7) I disliked how I often we had to do it along with the show it was on. I understand the reasoning of why it was chosen to study group communication, but I feel like it is all staged which makes it hard to watch.

8) Reducing the amount of assignments due and maybe have a couple choices in shows the students want to watch and blog on. Make it be shows that are available online.

Blog Post #10

1. I give myself a 5 because in a timely manner I was I was submitting my blog post’s consistently.

2. I give myself a 5 because I gave one thorough comment on a peers blog with at least 100 words per comment.

3. I believe that I integrated the class concepts well because I received positive feedback from my peers. I was able to use the class concepts by using them accurately when connecting them with the show.

4. With regards to blogging I  was able to use good examples from the chapter linked into the show survivor. I also was able to keep up with each blog and comment for my peers. I feel like I improved over time in the way I used my examples.

5. I feel like I could improve with my blogging by adding even more detail when relating the concept.

6. I liked how I was able to give my opinion about the show after using my examples. I liked that I was able read other blogs and comment on other blogs.

7. I disliked that the show would take a lot of time to watch and after I still had to blog and comment. I feel like over all it took a lot of time.

8. Suggestions that I have for this blog in the future to improve would be to change shows like not only watch survivor but other shows that other people like.