Final Blog Post (10)

Greg Belluomini


Oh, so the time has come to reflect on the semester. My final blog is minutes away from being published!

Question 1:

I would give myself a 3.  In the beginning of the semester, I did pretty well. By the time the second round of blogs came around, I tended to miss a few. Okay, I got lazy. I said it. Sadly, I watched the episodes and everything but never got around to an easy reflection of how the episode related to the textbook. I was good however of submitting them before midnight. I got close a few times, but always made the deadline.

Question 2:

Can I give myself a zero? I always would post and read over my peer’s reflections but never took the time to comment on their posts. I realize the importance of responding and this is something I really regret not doing.

Question 3:

I would give myself a 5 on this one. I always made it a point to go through the chapter as I was watching the episode and write down notes about relating material. I tried my hardest not to summarize too much and instead, focus on the concepts.

Question 4:

My strength was that I focused on the textbook material as I was watching. This really helped me focus on the concepts and not on summarizing. I feel like I did a pretty good job on my relation to concepts in general as well. I feel as if my thoughts and observations were fairly spot on.

Question 5:

I think if I didn’t wait until Monday night when it was due and actually wrote the blog post and watched the episode earlier in the week, I would have stayed on top of them more. I am guilty of some major procrastination when it came to my blogs and the ones I missed were because I put it off and decided it would stress me out too much to do it at the last minute.

Question 6:

I liked being able to see my peers posts. Seeing their observations and differing points of view on the same episode and core concepts was interesting to me. I also enjoyed that this assignment wasn’t traditional and was actually fun for most tech savvy students.

Question 7:

WordPress seemed a little difficult at first to edit and change page content. I also never got into it enough to do the blog posts from my phone which would have probably made them more enjoyable for me and made me more apt to complete them.

Question 8:

I think if I were made more accountable on them, I would have completed more. If they were graded each week and I could see the grade I was getting could make me more motivated. Also, maybe give 10 minutes of class time for students to write out or publish their blog posts each week.

The Tribe Has Spoken- We Survived

  1.  On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with submitting your blog posts in a timely manner?

Other than missing two blog posts due to unforeseen circumstances, I was consistent with submitting my blog posts in a timely manner therefore I would rate myself a 4.

  1. On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with posting at least one thorough comment on a peer’s blog?

Although I missed two blog posts, I would give myself a 4 because besides missing two blog posts, I always commented on a peer’s blog.

  1. One a scale of 1-5 (5 being very well), how well did you integrate class concepts into your posts about the Survivor show?

I always had my book in front of me taking notes in order to integrate class and text concepts into my posts therefore I would rate myself a 5. All of my posts had multiple references to the class and text concepts that applied to different scenarios.

  1. Please describe what you think your strengths were with regard to blogging and participating 

My strengths were that all of my blogging and participation tied in to class context and discussions. When I would participate and comment back, I would also reflect and tie in the concepts.

  1. Please describe how you think you could improve on your blogging and participating 

The only improvement was to not miss the two posting.

  1. What did you like about blogging?

I liked that it gave me the opportunity to learn how to use CIKeys, which I had never heard of before. I think it’s a very beneficial tool to know for the future. I also liked that although at first I was hesitant about liking the show survivor, towards the end I was hooked!

  1. What did you dislike about blogging?

There really wasn’t anything I did not like about blogging.

  1. What suggestions do you have for this assignment in the future?

The only suggestion I would make is the number of postings and the weight for each posting. However, I definitely saw the value in connecting the concepts to real life situations and being able to apply it. Thank you for the experience!

blog post 10

1) 4

2) 4

3) 5

4) I enjoy writing critiques of shows or reviews so this was not a particularly painful process for me.  I attempted to delve into the chapter content while not trying to totally regurgitate the plot of each episode.  I believe I did well at making connections between the show and the chapters.

5) Participation on other people’s blogs could have been a little stronger on my part.  Some weeks it was easy to find a good blog to make a comment on while other weeks it was more difficult to find a good blog.

6) I liked reviewing the show. It was a good way to not just focus on whatever the central plot of each episode was for the week.

7) I disliked having to post on other peoples blogs.  It was hard to find detailed posts some weeks that I could really dig into and leave a good meaty response to.

8) In the future maybe you can just make the blog posts related to a particular life experience that happened in the past week.  Or maybe every other week have a news article assignment where everyone finds an article and relates it to the current weeks chapter.

blog post #10

#1. From a scale of one to five I would give myself a five since I always did my blogs and finished them and submitted them on time.

#2. I would also give myself a 5 for number 2 since I was sure to post at least one comment of some kind of feedback on my peer’s blogs every week.

#3. For number 3 I would again give myself a five since I would always incorporate at least three key concepts from the text book and I would show how it was shown in that weeks episode of survivor.

#4. I felt that my strengths when doing the blog post were giving good examples of how the concepts in the book related to the show. Also, when it came to participating on my peer’s blog I felt that I always gave them good feedback.

#5. I’f I could improve on my blogging it would be on adding more detail into some of my examples that I blogged on. Also, for improving on the participation I would add just a little more detail when giving them feedback on what I thought about their post.

#6. I liked that I was able to give my own opinion and interpretations of the show and how I thought the text content related to the show.

#7. Sometimes I disliked that the blogging to to much time with watching the show and still having to blog and comment, it took a lot of time.

#8. I think it would be cool i’f the show would change every week. Sometimes survivor would get boring.

As the curtain drops.

  1. My blog posts aside from two missing, were all on time. Although it took me a few blogs to get the time zone correct I believe I received a 4. My blogs contained course content as well as other observations.
  2. I made sure to comment almost every time I blogged although I did miss two, I would give myself a 4.
  3. I took the time to integrate the course into all available aspects to the show, I took the time to analyze and make a clear connection between the show and the chapter. I would give myself a 5.
  4. My strengths were being able to connect the show to the chapter. I was able to go through and not only have fun but analyze the chapter in detail. I truly enjoyed the blogs, it helped put the chapter to real life situations.
  5. Aside from missing two blogs I believe I did well. I could have pulled more from previous chapters but overall I did what I was asked.
  6.  It made the homework assignment enjoyable and interesting.
  7. Ironing out the kinks. It took me a few blogs to find how to fix the time zone, knowing it effects the grade it would have been nice to know ahead of time.
  8. Maybe allow students to use whatever chapter they find suitable for that episode. Say there are 12 chapters and 10 episodes. You could let them pick 10 chapters out of the book and they have to apply one chapter to one episode. Allowing them to choose and find their own connection rather than having to pin point specific ones they are told to find. That might be one change, but over all I think the assignment was fine.

Final Blog Post

1)  4. I was forgot to do two blogs but besides that they were always on time. I connected the content of the class with the show throughout the entire blog series. I also participated in commenting on my peers blogs regularly.

2) 4 Throughout the whole blogging process i consistently would comment on my peers blogs. I enjoyed ready my group mates views on the episodes and how they connected it to the course content.

3) 4 I was pretty good on connecting the book to the show. On a couple i would just talk about what had happened in the show and wouldn’t connect it to the content as much as others.

4) I thought my strengths were the consistence that i did them. I enjoyed the show as a first time watcher and found it to be a fun assignment making my strengths come out in my blog. Im also not taking an english class right now and it was refreshing to write weekly.

5) I think my blogging could improve with a lot more practice. I need to work on my spelling I’m my blogs. With commenting on others i could have gone further in depth about what they were taking about the show and how they choose to relate it to course content.

6) What i liked about blogging was watching a show i hadn’t seen before. I really ended up getting into the show and would look forward to new episodes. I also liked how i now have my own website where i can blog for the rest of my life. Overall I’d say i really enjoyed blogging.

7) What i didn’t like about blogging was that we had to comment on two of our peers blogs rather than just one.

8) I would just suggest to make one peer comment instead of two.

Blog Post #10 Reflection

Claire Campagna Comm 22–02

1.On a scale from 1-5 I was about a 3 or 4 submitting my blog on time. It took me a while to get used to submitting every Monday but for the most part they were all on time.
2.On a scale of 1-5 I was about a 2 submitting a comment on other peoples blogs.
3.One a scale of 1-5 I was a 5 for integrating course concepts. It was very easy to find information that connected the show and text book.
4. I would say my strengths were being able to connect the two, and creating a meaningful post with group communication information  and information about the episode.
5. I could comment more and look over other students blogs a lot more to improve participation.
6. I liked that I was able to think about Survivor in a different way then I would by just watching it.
7. I disliked having to watch Survior online, I wish I had more time to watch it when it aired on TV.
8. I would say, remind the students of the blog posts more often and to comment, I know I forgot a couple times so it might be helpful then just reminding us on the syllabus.

Blog Post #9

Group Motivation Ch 6 5th ed.
Claire Campagna Comm 220-02

In episode nine Reed is left alone in the game for the first time, having Josh voted off last episode. Reed has a very low since of motivation due to no affection now that his couple is gone. To get himself back in the game he finds a new source of motivation, control. In order for himself to stay motivated and in the game he thinks of a plan to gain a little more control. Reed goes threw Keith’s bag and finds the directions to an idol. So Reed tells a couple people that he had one and switches the game completely. People start to think about Keith. At the end of the episode Reed gains much control when Jeremy is blind sided and set off the show. Control is shown to be a great source of motivation in this episode.
The challenge that granted individual immunity involved building a block tower using your feet only. Everyone for this challenge was motivated by control. Not only did the game involve a huge amount of control but if you win you have control over the next tribal council. Baylor out of all people won this challenge due to her great focus and control.

Final Post

1) I give myself a 1 for how consistant I was with uploading my blogs.

2)I give myself a one for commenting on other’s blogs.

3) In the posts I did post, i give myself a 4 with how integrated the course information was in the post.

4) My strengths in my blogs were that they were related to the course and survivor. My strengths in my participatìon was that I was an active listener and answered as many questions i can.

5) My blogging would have improved if I did not have to rely on the school’s wifi because I got frustrated with the delay and that made me give up on the blogs and the show.

6) I liked that the course was shown in the show. I like that we learned how the groups developed and how their conflicts could be resolved in many different ways.

7) I would suggest to lower the amount of comments needed because it was hard to read someone else’s work and try to input your different ideas on it. Maybe getting rid of the comment section in general would be a benefit to the blogging portion in the course. Maybe make the post numbers smaller with a larger word count. Provide examples of how you want the blogs to sound like because a lot of people don’t usually blog so it was unusual to try to figure it out.

blog reflection

1) About a 3 or a 4 I did almost all of my blogs.


2) Same as above. I commented each time I posted.


3) 4. I did my best to incorporate the concepts of the chapter. I feel like some did not always apply.


4) I think I did an okay job and analyzing the concepts and show and integrating them.

5) I could have improved my participation but having cable and remembering to do them.

6) I think it was a pretty easy way to use these concepts into something other than the chapter or class.


7) The blogs really didn’t seem like they had much to do with the class other than relating Survivor to our text.


8) I think the commenting on peer’s blogs was pretty pointless