The final Blog

  1. I would give myself a 4, I was fairly consistent on submitting my blogs on time, I thinkI missed two blogs, but beside that they were all submitted on time.
  2. I would give myself a 4, I posted a comment for every post that I submitted.
  3. I would give myself a 5, I always used the book to tie the episode back into the topic that we had covered in the book.
  4. I would say my strength was watching the episodes while sitting with my book so I could reference what I was supposed to be focusing on so I could write the most effective post possible. And I think I did a great job participating by commenting on other people’s blogs.
  5. If I posted all of the blog posts expected I could improve my blogging and participation because then I would also be commenting on a blog every week.
  6. I liked reading other people’s perspectives on the episodes. It was cool to see what other people saw differently that you did, but also what they saw that was similar.
  7. I don’t like Survivor, and I disliked watching it, so maybe some other show that wasn’t so negative? The premise is to just beat everyone at any cost, and I don’t like the negative aspect.
  8. I think overall the assignment was solid, my only suggestion would be to use a different show, but I don’t have one to suggest.

Final Post.

1. This past semester we blogged each week about Survivor and how it connected to our book. On a scale of 1 to 5, I would consider myself a 5 when it came to the consistency of submitting my blog posts in a timely manner. I always made sure that my blog entries were posted before Monday at midnight.
2. Every week, I posted a comment on someone’s survivor blog. I would give myself a 4 in this category because even though I did post a comment every week, I thought my comments could have been more thought out and much longer than posted.
3. On a scale of 1 to 5, I would give myself a 3 on trying to integrate the class concepts into my posts about survivor. I say this because sometimes I just blogged about the show and completely forgot integrating these concepts. But on most of my posts, I talked about at least one concept from our book.
4. I think my strengths when writing out these blog posts were being able to make it interesting for the reader. I like to write, so making these blog posts were a lot o fun. I was glad that I always commented on other people’s blog posts. Let’s say a concept in the show was confusing; we could just read anther student’s post to get a better understanding with it.
5. I can improve my blogging by being more organized in my writing. For example, I can write things in order so they do not sound like my writing is all over the place. When it comes to improving my participation, I can write more in my comments that I post for others and not be afraid to point out the flaws.
6. I liked blogging because it felt too formal like an essay. I felt like I was able to write whatever I felt about the episode like additional commentary.
7. Something that I did not like about blogging was having to do it every week. It did not seem like busy work, but sometimes it was difficult for me to connect concepts from the chapter into the show.
8. I think this assignment can somehow connect back to the chapter. I think watching a video about the chapter before hand could be very helpful for having a reminder that we do indeed have to write about the chapter and not just the show.

Blog reflection

1) on a scale of (1-5) I feel as though I deserve a four, I did turn in one assignment a couple of hours late, however my timeliness and consistency was definitely a strong point that helped me through this class.  I also wrote about the show and connected it to class readings, which shows a certain degree of knowledge in regards to the course as well as the all around participation with keeping up with the shows and analyzing the key events.

2)  Throughout this course I replied to atleast one of my peers every week, therefore I give myself a 5. However I felt I could have written better comments, more engaging comments than I did.

3) I would rate myself a 4, I did integrate class teachings into my questions but I felt as though they lacked a sense if engagement because I didn’t get any replies from my peers.

4) My strengths in regards to blogging stemmed from a basic knowledge if how to navigate a blog.  Writing is something that I take my joy and pride in, it allows me to demonstrate my opinions in times where I don’t usually voice my thoughts. My strengths were analyzing and summarizing the show with a certain amount of depth and still managing to integrate key concepts from class.  This blog allowed for me to not only get other perspectives (Which I take as a strength) but it also allowed me the opportunity to brushes up on class teachings where I may have missed a certain concept. All around this demonstrated the perfect example of how to integrate computer literacy with the class room.

5) I feel as though I couldn’t do anymore to improve my blogging and participation, I made comments every week and turned in my assignments on time. However next time I should concentrate more on integrating key concepts from the book into the show.

6) I like blogging because it’s another outlet to learn about your course work through the eyes of your peers, and it allowed for me to voice my opinion and let myself be heard.7) There were times when it was hard to see any correlation between the book and the show. Also, personally  it was a challenge to stay disciplined and blog every week or catch the show on time.

8) I feel as though this is a great connection and the topics taught in class were definitely evident. However sometimes I felt as though this could have been an essay due at the end of the semester, connecting topics from the book to survivor in general it would be easier on the students but would ultimately get rid of the participation. Nonetheless I feel as though our survivor blogs were definitely a great way to see connections between the class and an outside course as we’ll as communicate with our peers.

Blog Reflection

1) About a 4, I did miss one blog post, but all others were completed on time.

2) 3, I did forget to comment on a peer’s blog a few times.

3) 5, I made sure that I integrated the various concepts from the assigned chapter to my blog posts and elaborated on the concepts and how they were employed.

4) I think I did a very good job at analyzing the show through our class concepts and making connections between the assigned chapters and Survivor episodes.

5) My participation could have been improved by just being more aware when the blog posts were due. A couple blog posts caught me by surprise so I had to do them at the last minute. I also could have commented on more of my peer’s blogs to increase my participation.

6) I think it was a pretty easy way to log our ideas and record our ideas about the text and Survivor. Being able to see others’ posts as well was a different way to see how they interpreted the show and different concepts from the text.

7) The blogs really didn’t seem like they had much to do with the class other than relating Survivor to our text which could have been done pretty thoughtlessly. I think if the blogs were integrated and discussed in class more they would have gained more attention.

8) I think the commenting on peer’s blogs was somewhat irrelevant. Most comments weren’t thoughtful or very thought provoking, just simple statements to get the participation credit.


Final pieces…

Survivor Country Analysis Project

  • Your revised project pages (on GooglePresentation or a website) with changes after reviewing my feedback – due the evening of your presentation
  • Your SCAP Reflection (please note: this was going to be a blog post but I have changed it to be a form to keep it confidential between you and I) – due Wednesday, 12/10/12

Survivor Blogs

  • Blog Post #1 due Monday, 12/8/12 – see here for the blog prompt


Final Blog

Reflection of Blogging & Participation – answer the following questions:

    1. On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with submitting your blog posts in a timely manner?
      1. 5, All blogs were submitted on time.
    2. On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with posting at least one thorough comment on a peer’s blog?
      1. 4, I believe that i missed a comment one day, and that my comments might have been a bit less than thorough.
    3. One a scale of 1-5 (5 being very well), how well did you integrate class concepts into your posts about the Survivor show?
      1. 5, I feel that the concepts were highlighted directly in my posts.
    4. Please describe what you think your strengths were with regard to blogging and participation.
      1. I feel that timeliness was something i was strong in. As well i felt that i understood the general consensus of the show in relation to the class.
    5. Please describe how you think you could improve on your blogging and participation.
      1. I feel that i could have examined the show more whole heartedly, I wasn’t immersed the show as much as i would have liked.
    6. What did you like about blogging?
      1. I enjoy the free writing concept that went along with the posts.
    7. What did you dislike about blogging?
      1. I disliked the need to blog weekly, just because it felt that sometimes we were blogging monotonously rather than out of a purpose to talk about something interesting.
    8. What suggestions do you have for this assignment in the future?
      1. I feel that this could just be a turn in assignment, or that it should be done bi-weekly.

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I hate Jon

Okay, he is so annoying and selfish. He does not care about anyone and that is not what you want in a group. It is his way or the highway. Missy, and Baylor, and Natalie all have their own alliance, and Jaquelin kind of sees it but Jon is too stubborn to. He sees Missy as his mom and she is just going to blindside him and knock him out. Reed has definitely showed leadership qualities when it comes to Alec and Keith. I am so bummed that Wes is gone and now Reed. Alec and Reed do not have a chance unless Jon and Jaquelin wise up and form an alliance with them so they can knock out the other three. They are stupid to have another couple in an alliance with them. If them team up with Alec and Ketih, at least one of them has a chance at the final three. I am so irritated. They do not know how to coimmunicate because Jon lashes out and then Jaquelin won’t talk to him. They are their own worst enemies.

Final Survivor Blog- Farewell for now!

1. On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with submitting your blog posts in a timely manner?
4 – I submitted my blog posts in a pretty timely matter every time.

2. On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with posting at least one thorough comment on a peer’s blog?
5 – I consistently submitted one thoughtful comment to a peer’s blog for each post that was due. I took the time to read through several of my peer’s blogs as well.

3. One a scale of 1-5 (5 being very well), how well did you integrate class concepts into your posts about the Survivor show?
5 – I feel like showed the effort & time I dedicated to finding evidence of theories & quotes that supported my thoughts. I feel like I did well when integrating that class concepts to the series. This helped me to remember the course information a little easier as well. When posting I also tried to include multiple instances from the show as well as multiple connecting concepts.

4. Please describe what you think your strengths were with regard to blogging and participation.
My newly discovered strengths in blogging is my security level with writing and having others read my writing, because that is not something I would usually be comfortable with. It helped me hone my writing skills, and watch my peers progress. Participation was fun when I had the time carved out to put together the type of blog post I would want to submit and have others read. I enjoyed being a part of it as a class discussion.

5. Please describe how you think you could improve on your blogging and participation.
I could improve on my blogging and participation if it was not such a consistent assignment- just more time to watch these episodes and read the course information. I could also improve on adding more direct quotes from the series to help my writing skills.

6. What did you like about blogging?
I really enjoyed learning how to use this technology and knowing I have this available through my school. I liked the freedom of design and comfortable outlet.

7. What did you dislike about blogging?
There is not anything I particularly disliked with the blogging itself, it was quite easy to follow and navigate through independently.

8. What suggestions do you have for this assignment in the future?
My suggestions would be less due dates for the blogs but overall themes we could identify over two weeks. So, one blog every two weeks, covering two episodes so it could be more clear. This may be bad for those who fall behind though. Also requiring more detail in the blogs so they prove they have watched the episodes and there is more diversity in the blogs.

Cheers to a great semester!

Final Survivor Blog

1.) On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with submitting your blog posts in a timely manner?
3- I submitted a decent amount of blogs throughout the semester.

2.) On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with posting at least one thorough comment on a peer’s blog?

3.) One a scale of 1-5 (5 being very well), how well did you integrate class concepts into your posts about the Survivor show?
5-I feel like I did a good job on integrating class concepts into my blogs on Survivor.

4.) Please describe what you think your strengths were with regard to blogging and participation.
My strengths towards my blogging experience was being able to link class concepts to Survivor, as well, as keeping up with the show. This also helped me better understand the chapters for the exams.

5.) Please describe how you think you could improve on your blogging and participation.
I could have been more consistent when it came to blogging on time every week. Procrastination was my weakness when it came to starting my blogs. I feel like the quality of my blogs would have been better if I gave myself enough time to complete my blog posts.
I could have also posted more comments on other classmates blogs.

6.) What did you like about blogging?
I liked the whole concept of the blogs and how i can voice my opinion through technology.

7.) What did you dislike about blogging?
I did not like how there was a blog post due every week along with other assignments that had to be done. I am also not a fan of survivor.

8.) What suggestions do you have for this assignment in the future?
My suggestion for future assignments is to have less blog due dates.