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Nursing401 : Hello

Click here to watch: Hello Everyone


1. On a scale of 1-5, I would probably rate myself a 3 just because in the beginning, I wasn’t really turning in the blogs. But towards the end of the semester I got a lot better with this and turned in all of them on time.

2.On a scale of 1-5, I would rate myself a 5 on this aspect because every time I posted on my blog, I would make sure to comment on someone else’s blog post. I thought this was actually very beneficial and I got to learn a variety of perspectives on the same topic.

3.On a scale of 1-5, I would rate myself a 4 on integrating class concepts into my posts. Only because in the beginning I wasn’t really sure what the posts had to include , due to my laziness. After two or three posts though, I would always include at least three or four examples from the show that would relate directly to the chapter.

4.Overall, my strengths for the blogging and participation would be my effectiveness to incorporate class concepts into the show and my active engagement with other student blogs. Towards the end of the semester, in almost every scene of Survivor, I could relate something directly to our textbook.

5.I could improve with my blogging by being more persistent overall with the amount of posts. I only did 6/10 of the posts, and I wish I participated in all of them.

6.The main thing I liked about blogging would be the fact that I got to  see what my classmates got out of the show and how it differed from my perspective. Everybody had something different to say.

7.To be honest, I didn’t really dislike anything about blogging. I typically enjoy doing them.

8.I wouldn’t really have any suggestions for the assignment, except for future students. I would suggest that they participate sooner in the week, rather last minute, because it just makes the experience better for everyone and more students will be able to get feedback from their classmates.

Blog Post #10 Reflection Blogging & Participation


1) 4, wasn’t always on time.

2) 1, I missed that part until the last blog.

3) 5, I tried my best to relate the chapters and episodes.

4)My strengths in blogging was summarizing the episodes, and giving examples.

5)One way to improve on my blogging is posting them on time, and revising the instructions regularly.

6) I liked the fact that we could blog and comment on each others thoughts.

7) I’m not into reality t.v., so survivor wasn’t my favorite part of the class.

8) I liked the activity, maybe more different themes like comparing and contrasting characters based on the chapters, or even the episodes.

Oscar’s Intro

Hello class,
My name is Oscar Zuniga. I graduated from Ventura College with an ADN in the spring of this year. Officially, I have been an RN for three months to the date. This is my third semester in the BSN program. I have various ambitions in regards to my nursing career. Within the next coming months I would like to find employment on a med/surg unit in order to gain experience and hone my clinical skills. The focus of my professional development will be within community/public health setting. I would also like to eventually earn a DNP and teach.

My outside interest include reading for pleasure, playing sports, photography, music, and anything involving art.

‘Real World’ Communication

Group A:
Ana Alfaro
Cheyenne Anderson-Randle
Nsomah Apambire
Kristina Arnold
Gregory Belluomini
Brittany Boughton

Assignment Objectives: the objectives are this assignment are for the group of students to relate the chapter to characters of the “real world” season and group communication and their chapter. The group is supposed to outline the chapter and the core concepts and how communicate through characters of the show exhibit each characters norms. The goal is the effectively communicate the concepts towards the rest of the class and understand the application of the core concepts. The presentation allows the group to share the concepts through different outlets.
Description: Groups will create a presentation on their second assigned chapter and will relate it to the previous aired season of Real World. Presentations most provide a core concepts of chapter, connection to real world season, and engage the rest of the class.
Assignment Instructions: This presentation is similar to the current chapter presentation and the ongoing the Survivor Blog Assignment. The students will be put into groups and will be assigned a particular chapter similar to the Chapter presentation. By the end of the semester the group would have watched the whole season of Real World. They will be grouped by alphabetical order of last name consisting of 5 to 6 members in each group. The groups will watch the previous season that came out during the last year. Similar to the chapter presentation, it has to follow the most central themes of their particular chapter. Their content must be put on a visual aid such as PowerPoint, Prezi etc. The group would have already presented on one chapter for their presentation and during the “Real world” presentation they will present on another chapter so that most chapters in the book are covered. The presentation must consist of each student covering a section in their chapter and how it relates to the season of survivor and a current world event. At the end of their presentation they must test the rest of the class on what they have learned with a hands on activity not necessary and a discussion. Other perspectives they are supposed to achieve is engaging the class in an activity so that the get hands on experience and not just discussion.

Assignment evaluation:
1. First they will be graded by how the incorporate the sections of the chapter in their presentations.
2. They will be graded on how the sections relate to groups such as themselves and the characters on the Real World
3. Last on the engage the class in an activity to learn their section

Hello Nursing 401!

Hello Everyone!

My name is Samantha Betteridge and I have been an RN for about 5 months.  I graduated from College of the Canyons in June 2014, took the NCLEX in July, and now I am in ADN-BSN program here at CI.  I am really close with my family and I live with my mom, dad, and two younger sisters.  Outside of nursing, I love to snowboard, exercise, get together with friends, relax with my family, and lots of other things to stay active and have fun.  I currently work as a  nanny to a 3 year old girl while I am in school.  After I get my BSN, I am really interested in working in the ED.  I am not sure where I see my nursing career headed.  I would like to find my niche in nursing before I decide where I want my career to go.  For now, I am trying to keep my mind open to all possibilities and areas of work!

New Assignment: “Pitcher Perfect”

Pitcher Perfect

Group E (-03) proposes a business pitch assignment for future students to exercise the core concepts of group communication. In order to make money, businesses typically have a focus group or project group to collaborate and come up with the most successful presentation of their product and its benefits to investors. Students will be split into groups and act as if they are this sort of group for a business coming up with a new product (and experience several concepts covered by the text). The goal is to have the rest of the class hypothetically invest in your group, because in the end only one group will be chosen!

Throughout the process, which may take half the semester or the whole length, short blog posts can be assigned in which the students report how the topics covered in that week’s lecture were reflected in their group work. For instance, the first one may be about group development: how the forming stage was exemplified, and so on.

The course concepts to be clearly experienced include decision making (voting, consensus, etc),

  • Brainstorming/creativity
  • Decision making (voting, consensus, etc.)
  • Verbal and nonverbal communication (in order to assure a successful pitch, groups put a great deal of planning into how they should present themselves come presentation day: speaking style/language, personal experience, etc.)
  • Listening differences (they must be kept in mind so the group can be sure their target audience will accept their presentation)
  • Presentation in groups


  1. Individually, think of what people today—primarily your classmates and instructor—want or need in their lives. You will come up with plenty of ideas.
  2. As a group, decide which one of those ideas you wish to put your efforts into. The goal is to have your product supported by the majority of the audience so it may launch into production!
  3. Create a presentation to convince the audience to support your group. This may include a power point, a model, a display board, or etcetera. Choose a medium that you feel best displays your group’s intentions and your product/ideas clearly. You want your product sold, and this is how to achieve that.


Although the goal is to have your product chosen, grading will depend on the completion of blog posts throughout the course of the assignment, group cohesion, clear presentation of the product (both through language and visual aid), and keeping the presentation within the determined timeframe.

Course Reflection

1.Group C first went through the development  of Forming. All of us were cautious of each other and did not act so brash. Then as time passed we all loosened up to the point we were now norming. We understood that we needed each other to obtain a certain grade.

2. We each had and had not a role. Each individual were equal and if there was a role the role the only person who had a prominent role would be Celina being our scribe and note taker. Other than that each of us understood that we had to do things to make sure our projects were up to par.

3.All of us were from different diversity. But I was the only Asian while the other four were in a pair. I found myself  a bit left in the dark and if no one was going to stand up and do their work then I might as well enforce the projects. No one questioned my overseer and leader power. I did tell them if no one has objections then i wouldn’t mind being the group organizer/ leader. They said nothing, I said if you guys are ok then re-read the paper/ tribal form, and make sure ask me if you guys are ok with me being the leader. They did not ask anything. So the two biggest cultural difference i faced was 1. Ethnicity role, and 2. cultural mentality.

4. I wonder about that. If I wasn’t the leader then how bad this group could have been. Hudson said he could be a great leader but ironically he has not contacted the group for more than a month this semester, Miguel tries to ease his way off works, tries to leave early and complains. Amy was some what complaining but she stuck around the only issue she had was she was easily panicking and did not think deeply enough. Celina wins the MVP award. She always did her work and tried to make time to meet each time,though she could done a bit better but when time was crucial she was there and took notes, prepared and did what she needed to do. As for me….I felt like I was carrying the whole group for the most part and that was hard especially when I am also the leader for 4 different group projects.

5.I think we lacked motivation to be honest. It was not the motivation but more on the lines of “we have to do this for our grades” which is not motivation but a mental drive telling us live or die. It was a mutual understanding that all of us wanted to pass and will work for it.

6.The one most prominent member who used a lot of nonverbal indications was Miguel. The rest of us did too but i saw more non verbal expressions and body language from Miguel. First and foremost is his grins. If he gets irritated and want to leave he will grin first and then ask if we are done. Second behavior was tapping. He will tap his finger on the desk or tap his foot when he felt time restraint and the urge to just bolt or wanted things done.

Amy had one , which was the jaw dropping expression, Celina had her eyes widen and Hudson normal face changes into this uh half smile half jaw dropping expression.  And im sure mine is me sharp glare or eye brow raising since i felt like the group was slacking off here and there.

7. Listening was chaotic. When we get into groups we will start talking about our upcoming projects and try to work on them. But as time flew by each member started talking about food, entertainment and other things that were not related to the project. I believe I talked about different classes i have to take but i do not know if i specifically talked about food or entertainment.

8.The conflict we faced was not a personal conflict but conflict of different ideas. Therefore all of us will sit down re state our ideas, put all ideas in a pool and then take out one or two that we vote to be most effective and interesting and work with those ideas and then implement other ideas that are left into our final conclusion which are our projects.

9. Our group decision making was simple. We voted which sounded the best. But as loose we were about this construct of groups it also loosen up everyone’s mind so far as they never questioned about ideas i made. Miguel tries to add ideas but he goes timid and then says never mind. Not until me or Celina asks him what his idea is he would repeat. So that was how we solved creative problems, votes and just following ideas…..this group felt like they only cared about their grade not about their responsibilities.

9. For Group meetings we always arranged the time and place for our meetings. As for 5 categories of meetings such like the disruptive category and chairing meetings etc we had them all. We had texters, interrupters, early leavers, late arrivers ect. But all of us had one thing in mind. Do your work and as long as the objective is met then our behaviors, how bad they may be, can be compromised.
so far all of us kept up the good work, except hudson who he said was busy but that is for him and the professor to discuss. For us we will keep our goals met what ever the cost.

10. Appendix 5: Our purpose is to present our information the way our professor. Our Audience were our classmates who were also in the similar position as us.  Our credibility were set by our continuous efforts to make our presentation better. Though there were many roadblocks we believe we tried our best to make each presentation entertaining and informative. Organization was set by each group taking their responsibility. Delivery: presentation aids, decent volume of voice and the words we try to use to make sure everyone understands, Attire, posture all were to be accounted for but I personally believe they need more practice. Content and logistics are done by our scatter but some how miraculous content research and somehow managed.

Overall I feel like the group was consistent but very incopetent. We all feel that we wanted our project done but we also felt that all of us did not have enough motivation to feel enthusiatic about anything.


Extra Credit: Group D

Group D Section 3

Group project for the future:

Service Learning Project

Overview: Channel Islands offers a great service learning opportunity through our school. They can get access through csuci.edu on the service learning page about the different opportunities or you could bring in a service learning representative for a quick discussion on how service learning works.

Assignment & Objective: Each group is to pick an organization through service learning that involves group work and communication. No individual service learning (i.e. shadowing elementary students.) The idea is to achieve group service learning like volunteering to feed the homeless or volunteering at an elder home or a cancer walk. They would be given specific hours they have to achieve by the end of the semester, (lets say ten hours.)

Grading criteria: This would involve three due dates: the first being an outline of where the group plans to do their service learning at, when, and how this will imply group communication lessons. The second due date will be a signed form by the service planning instructor they volunteered for, proving they completed the full ten hours TOGETHER. The last being a reflection of how it went and how it benefited their learning experience along with a final presentation on what they did and how it applied any chapters they learned throughout the semester.