
Hello Group!

Hey everyone, my name is Kellie Dade and I am looking forward to getting to know all of you within this course. I have never used this program before so I am hoping I can figure it out quickly. Some things to know about me are I am a Sociology major, minoring in Communication going into my second year here at Channel Islands. I am a babysitter for two awesome kids ages 3 and 1. When I am not with them I also bartend and Chili’s here in Simi Valley. In my spare time I like to stay active with my dogs going on hikes and other outside activities.

Here’s a picture of me with the kids I babysit!


Tim Takes First!

Dr. A, CSU Chancellor Dr. Timothy White, and future Autonomous Car Challenge winner Tim Holcombe showing Chancellor White our ESRM Tech Lab on May 10, 2016.

Our AARR Team‘s secret Computer Science weapon–Tim Holcombe–proved his robotic chops today during his final exam/competition for our COMP 462: Embedded Systems class.

Autonomous Car Challenge

Robotic CarCSU Channel Islands’ newest Computer Science professor (and fellow AARR Team member) Dr. Jason Isaacs created our first ever Autonomous Car Challenge for the students in his COMP 462 course this year.  Students were provided with the basic specifications for a default autonomous car platform.  They had to work in teams of two to create a working unit that could sense the environment and navigate itself through the course.  In this case that course was the first floor corridors of our new Sierra Hall laboratory building (home to both ESRM and Computer Science).  The students had to run their creations through time trial races through the building using only the sensors mounted on the vehicle and control algorithms that they themselves had written.

In the words of Dr. Isaacs;

Tim’s team won the race by using a really risky strategy but it worked.  The second place team had a very nice design that worked very consistency.  Some of the other teams struggled but they put in a ton of effort.  It just goes to show that it wasn’t as easy as the winning teams made it look.

Open-Ended Challenges

Tim 1st Place
Autonomous Car Challenge 2016 winners James Allen and Tim Holcombe.

This type of project-based, experiential learning is a hallmark of how we engage with our students here at CSUCI generally and with our AARR student-driven projects in particular.  Congrats to Tim and all the Embedded Systems students!



My name is Katlyn Fahl. Most of the time people just call me Kat. I am 21 years old and currently going into my senior at CSUCI. I am originally from Hawaii, but moved to California in grade school. My mom is from Ecuador and my dad’s family is from Japan. I am a preschool teacher at Kids Corner in Ventura. I teach 2-3 year olds and I really enjoy it. One guilty pleasure of mine that would involve media would have to be television. I like to come home from work and catch up on my shows. After I graduate from CSUCI, I would like to establish a teaching job. It doesn’t matter what state its in because I enjoy traveling. Coming from avery diverse family, I would like to teach in a different country.  I enjoy traveling to different country, but my favorite country would have to be Uganda, Africa. I plan to be a muiltisubject teacher, but am willing to step out of my comfort zone.

Testing… Testing… 123!!!

This is my first post trying and testing out this website!!  I am not sure if we are supposed to post anything specific, AKA I don’t THINK  we have any readings due since I’m still finishing my Spring Finals, so hopefully I’m correct…
Also hoping that I am figuring out this website correctly!!!!!

Day 1: Meet Me

Hello ? My name is Ashley Farokhirad. I have a hard last name to pronounce, maybe about three people in my 25 year lifetime have gotten it right on the first try. It goes like this (far-oh-key-rod). When I was in high school I discovered a genius way for people to memorize the spelling of my last name, especially for work purposes. If you break down my last name it actually spells four words. (Far)-(OK)-(hi)- and (rad)..[you know, as in cool]. Enough about my last name. I currently work in hospitality and have for the past three years. I originally started off as a psych major hoping to get into clinical psychology and realized it wasn’t for me after all. So being in hospitality I went back to school to get my communications in business major, in hopes to be a Human Resources management director with in the next few years. It’s hard for me to right off the bat come up with things that are most fundamental to my identity. Just like most of the college student population, I am a full time student, working a full time job and struggling to find balance between leisure, time to myself, work, and studying. I am constantly changing in that I usually can’t stick to one hobby or talent. Last year, was playing the guitar and this year is cycling and exploring nature.  I guess you could say I’m on a health kick right now trying to improve my exercise and health, and also fixing those bad eating habits.. (minus the cookies and cream cheesecake ice cream I ate in bed last night at 1 am).  Being healthy and fit seems to be the trending topic that social media is concerned with and hashtags! Everything today ends in a #hashtag, media portrays it as a fun experience and a great way to socialize and share information. #hashtageverything #Thankyouforreading!



Ps. That’s me eating fried chicken (the one in the front) in Chicago. Supposedly, President Obama said this was his favorite place ever to eat fried chicken.  #Harolds #friedchickenking #fingerlickingood


SAGE was a success and now we are about to turn in our final thesis. Looking back over the course of the school year I am so proud of all the work that we accomplished, and there are some amazing projects that came out of this year’s capstone class. Also so excited to graduate!


Getting Started

  1. Add a new post
    • Go to and log in. Your first name is your user name. Your password is the first name of my favorite author in education.
    • Click + New
    • Give it a title
    • Add your text in the dialogue box. You can change text style (bold, italics, text color, etc) by selecting menu tools above. If you do not see two rows of tools, select the icon that looks like a box, called “Toolbox Toggle” and more tools will appear.
  2. You can also insert images in the dialogue box by:
    • selecting the Media button and uploading pics;
    • in your dialogue box select the Add Media button (located above the toolbar)
  3. You can send people to other websites by linking to them from within your dialogue box.
    • Type the descriptor for that website. For example: Kaia’s website
    • Highlight that descriptor
    • Select the Insert/Edit Link tool. In that dialogue box, paste the website address and select “open link in a new window/tab” and then click “Add Link”
    • The web description is now clickable, and linked to that web address: Kaia’s website
  4. After you write your post, categorize it. You and your small group will need to collaborate to come up with the category names for your posts. (See the bottom right corner of the screen — the box called “Categories” — where you can add a new category each time you need to do so. Then select from this list of created categories each time you contribute a new post.
  5. Click Publish.
  6. Voilá! You have posted.
  7. Read each other’s posts and respond to them via comments (click the speech bubble next to the post title), not via new posts.
  8. Visit other groups’ blogs throughout the semester. Look for opportunities to encourage and appreciate each other’s critical engagement with course readings and other learning activities.

Getting Started

  1. Add a new post
    • Go to and log in. Your first name is your user name. Your password is the first name of my favorite author in education.
    • Click + New
    • Give it a title
    • Add your text in the dialogue box. You can change text style (bold, italics, text color, etc) by selecting menu tools above. If you do not see two rows of tools, select the icon that looks like a box, called “Toolbox Toggle” and more tools will appear.
  2. You can also insert images in the dialogue box by:
    • selecting the Media button and uploading pics;
    • in your dialogue box select the Add Media button (located above the toolbar)
  3. You can send people to other websites by linking to them from within your dialogue box.
    • Type the descriptor for that website. For example: Kaia’s website
    • Highlight that descriptor
    • Select the Insert/Edit Link tool. In that dialogue box, paste the website address and select “open link in a new window/tab” and then click “Add Link”
    • The web description is now clickable, and linked to that web address: Kaia’s website
  4. After you write your post, categorize it. You and your small group will need to collaborate to come up with the category names for your posts. (See the bottom right corner of the screen — the box called “Categories” — where you can add a new category each time you need to do so. Then select from this list of created categories each time you contribute a new post.
  5. Click Publish.
  6. Voilá! You have posted.
  7. Read each other’s posts and respond to them via comments (click the speech bubble next to the post title), not via new posts.
  8. Visit other groups’ blogs throughout the semester. Look for opportunities to encourage and appreciate each other’s critical engagement with course readings and other learning activities.

Getting Started

  1. Add a new post
    • Go to and log in. Your first name is your user name. Your password is the first name of my favorite author in education.
    • Click + New
    • Give it a title
    • Add your text in the dialogue box. You can change text style (bold, italics, text color, etc) by selecting menu tools above. If you do not see two rows of tools, select the icon that looks like a box, called “Toolbox Toggle” and more tools will appear.
  2. You can also insert images in the dialogue box by:
    • selecting the Media button and uploading pics;
    • in your dialogue box select the Add Media button (located above the toolbar)
  3. You can send people to other websites by linking to them from within your dialogue box.
    • Type the descriptor for that website. For example: Kaia’s website
    • Highlight that descriptor
    • Select the Insert/Edit Link tool. In that dialogue box, paste the website address and select “open link in a new window/tab” and then click “Add Link”
    • The web description is now clickable, and linked to that web address: Kaia’s website
  4. After you write your post, categorize it. You and your small group will need to collaborate to come up with the category names for your posts. (See the bottom right corner of the screen — the box called “Categories” — where you can add a new category each time you need to do so. Then select from this list of created categories each time you contribute a new post.
  5. Click Publish.
  6. Voilá! You have posted.
  7. Read each other’s posts and respond to them via comments (click the speech bubble next to the post title), not via new posts.
  8. Visit other groups’ blogs throughout the semester. Look for opportunities to encourage and appreciate each other’s critical engagement with course readings and other learning activities.

Getting Started

  1. Add a new post
    • Go to and log in. Your first name is your user name. Your password is the first name of my favorite author in education.
    • Click + New
    • Give it a title
    • Add your text in the dialogue box. You can change text style (bold, italics, text color, etc) by selecting menu tools above. If you do not see two rows of tools, select the icon that looks like a box, called “Toolbox Toggle” and more tools will appear.
  2. You can also insert images in the dialogue box by:
    • selecting the Media button and uploading pics;
    • in your dialogue box select the Add Media button (located above the toolbar)
  3. You can send people to other websites by linking to them from within your dialogue box.
    • Type the descriptor for that website. For example: Kaia’s website
    • Highlight that descriptor
    • Select the Insert/Edit Link tool. In that dialogue box, paste the website address and select “open link in a new window/tab” and then click “Add Link”
    • The web description is now clickable, and linked to that web address: Kaia’s website
  4. After you write your post, categorize it. You and your small group will need to collaborate to come up with the category names for your posts. (See the bottom right corner of the screen — the box called “Categories” — where you can add a new category each time you need to do so. Then select from this list of created categories each time you contribute a new post.
  5. Click Publish.
  6. Voilá! You have posted.
  7. Read each other’s posts and respond to them via comments (click the speech bubble next to the post title), not via new posts.
  8. Visit other groups’ blogs throughout the semester. Look for opportunities to encourage and appreciate each other’s critical engagement with course readings and other learning activities.